West Kirby, The Park c.1955
Photo ref: W170008
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A Selection of Memories from West Kirby

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from West Kirby

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Delivering newspapers for Foresters. Dancing lessons with Mrs Bretherton. Going to Haskins to buy model trains. Snogging in shelters on the promenade. Watching the sailing races. Cowboy movies at the Tudor. Buying aniseed balls and sherbet suckers on Dee Lane. Underage beer drinking at the Bells. Cycling fast down Grange Hill. Coffee at the Fiesta on Banks Road. Going to St. Andrews church. Hockey ...see more
Walking home from school down Whetstone Lane in 1949 to where I lived on Alexander Road with my Mum and Dad, brothers Philip, Kenneth, Bobbie and Len.
My Nan, Jean, and late Grandfather Ron, owned this shop at 103 Banks Road, until around 1984/5. Nana has many fond memories of the area and her customers spanning quite a few years! As grandchildren, we used to have many an adventure in the 3 storey home, the extremely large garage to the rear and on trips over the sands to Hilbre via the chip n putt. Jubilee park for ice cream or fishing for tiddlers in Ashton Park are also recalled. My Nan sends her regards to all who recall her.
On 3rd of June 1953 I arrived at West Kirby by steam train with a good many other RAF recruits who had been brought to the town to do their recruit training at Royal Air Force Recruit Training School West Kirby located at Larton, Wirral, Cheshire outside the town to the North East. My home for the following six weeks was Hut D31 Churchill Squadron. By and large for me it was relatively a ...see more