Pentire, 1930
Photo ref: 83070
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A Selection of Memories from West Pentire

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from West Pentire

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Mum and Dad lived in Crantock for years and when I could get away from London I would visit them. We would always have a walk in the evening out across West Pentire. It was magic to my soul with the sky larks over head and the beautiful wild flowers in the fields. Sadly (so very sadly) my Dad died of cancer. We scattered his ashes on the cliffs above West Pentire with the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen. ...see more
I started work at the Fistral Bay Hotel as receptionist. It was such a lovely place, even with the GHOST. I left work there in 2006. I miss the people and the place. It is such a sad sight now. I still wish it was going as a hotel. It is a amazing building and could be made good again, yes I know with a lot of money. Thank you for the photo. There have been people entered the place and have taken photos, it's still amazing and could be again.
We - that means my brothers  and I - arrived at the home from Kent and although we were very small at the time we grew to know this as home. My best memories are of a Sister Esther who looked after us, and watching the TV which had just arrived, plus the very large and thick chocolate Easter egg which had been donated to the home. We knew a couple of boys called Patrick and Howard who were brothers. I am trying to find out what happened to the home after we left in 1958?