Woolston, Bridge Road c.1960
Photo ref: W468016
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A Selection of Memories from Woolston

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I lived in oakbank road next to the.church
My daughter and I are doing a Family Tree. We are looking for relatives of Hamish, Lydia MacDonald and son Alan Hamish MacDonald who also at times lived in Australia. We are also looking for information on George MacDonald, my great-grandfather, a one time alderman who passed away while visiting my grandfather Gordon and my grandmother Helen Mabel in ...see more
The newsagent in Victotia Road, Woolston back in my days as a paper boy, 1973-75, was Glandville's in between Woolworths and the off licence by the London Arms. I had the Peartree evening round, also Woolston morning covering the Archeries and Portsmouth Road area... not forgetting Sundays as well.
Does anyone have any pictures or information relating to Hilton House set in Westwoods? It's demolished now. The story goes... an old lady lived there and the house was pulled down 1935 (ish); Watneys aquired the site but due to a planed one-way system sold it to a developer who failed to get planning. I seek to find images and information please. Kind regards.