Nostalgic memories of Salford's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 121 - 130 of 185 in total

I was born in Salford, but in 1936. My grandparents lived in a street just off Regent Road called Comus Street. My grandfather was in charge of a factory that made tallow and soap. I worked early in my life at Hope Hospital and did Lab. Work for the Clinic on Regent Road. The pubs were great and my pals and myself would come down and have a great time, I remember "The Fox " in particular and was it the " ...see more
Hi Francis, I was born and bred in West Bank Street Salford, across the road from the Police Station on Regent Road (where the fairground was). I attended Regent Rd School from 1952 until 1960 when forced to go to Ordsal Sec, I loved Regent Road School, Mr Siddall was a fantastic teacher. If you are interested I have written a book about my life in Salford (not published it yet) ...see more
I'm just researching my family history, I was born in Hough Lane, Lower Broughton, Salford. I cant find this address? Apparently it was above some shops? Has it been demolished, has anyone any pictures or photos I am going back over 45 years.
My gran lived in No1 Blackburn Street,The Adelphi just opposite the Hyde Park pub. Among the many stories she told us when we were kids, was of a 'pieman' who used to sell his wares from a handcart. Each Friday evening he would park his cart outside the Hyde Park, and she said his trade was amazing! People would come from all over for his pies, that was a mark as to how good they were. When she could afford it one time, she ...see more
Four Generations of Bowrings! Hazel Bowring - In 1958 I was born in Salford, sister of Michael Bowring. I was born at 146 Sussex Street in 1958, my parents were Kenneth Thomas & Rita Patricia (nee Gill) Bowring, married at St Peters Church 1957. My grandparents, Charles Edward Bowring & Emily (nee Ogden) Bowring, lived in Caroline Street, Salford where their two children ...see more
I used to live in George Henry Street and I too, went to Stowell Memorial School. I had a neighbour called Neville Waring and my name was Canavan, then. Have just found out that it is all gone. How sad, had so much fun playing on those cobbled streets and buying pear drops. I live in Australia now.
I was born in Salford, one of six children to Edith Casey and Ken Casey, their other children consisted of Linda, Alan, Barry, Ken, Paul and of course myself. We lived at number 50 Bury Street which was off Ellor Street. My dad worked at Greengate and Irwell. In those days I can remember playing in the streets, making boogies out of a plank of wood and four pram wheels and a bit of rope to stear it. In those ...see more
I have very fond memories of Salford. I first lived in Franklin St, Ordsall, until I was about 4 or 5 years old. I recall the pub on the corner and the church at the other end. I lived on the landings facing the resevoirs. I recall going to see the famiy doctor Yonace. who was a lovely man. From there we moved to Vere St, one house up from the dock gates. My dad was a docker. The CWS was also just off our ...see more
I remember so well every Saturday going with my Mum down Lower Broughton Rd to do the shopping. We used to live on Elton Street which was across from Lower Broughton Road at one end. My Grandparents lived on Edward Street. There was a theatre , I think it was called the Victoria and I think it was on Sussex street, I went to see Ken Dodd there in a panto. I used to go to St Anns school first, which was on Silk St. ...see more
I was born and brought up in Chadderton Street near Greengate and Irwell, which we called the rubber works. My mam and dad both worked there. I used to play on mark addie waiting for my dad coming home from work, whose name is Ernie Heywood. There was a sweet shop on the corner of Derwent Street called Doris's. Nearly all my relatives lived around there, the Willoughbys, Vincents, Heywoods and Brackens.