Brierley Hill, The Park c.1965
Photo ref: B355009
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A Selection of Memories from Brierley Hill

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Brierley Hill

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Can anyone remember the sewing machine shop which was below the (i think it was) the County Express, corner of Albion Street, But not as far as Trembaths Corner Shop. My Gran lived around there up until they demolished that area and she moved to Lindsey Place further down Moor Lane. I can remember having my hair cut as a lad in the Barbers in Moor lane and having the back hairs SINGEING. Walking up Piggy ...see more
I also worked delivering papers for Len Grey. I delivered down Mill Street and some down Corbett Road (where I lived) and in the Delph. When I started work, the first day the Sun newspaper came out I brought it from Lens shop and for a few years after because that's where we were picked up.
I remember, Playing in the fields,where Merry Hill now stands. One day my sister and I went with our mom and dad,and we had a lovely picnic and remember picking watercress from the stream that used to flow through there! Happy memories of our childhood!
I was born in chapel street number 14wich was the back of a shop next to gittens it was owned by mrs price who also lived there at the back of the house my grandmother dolly perry had 2 shops along the high street and a lodging house which was mostly ocupied by irish men who came to do our roads ect i have lots of happy memories of the area and can recall most areas as we spent many hours playing in the ...see more