Bromsgrove, Composite c.1955
Photo ref: B233010
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A Selection of Memories from Bromsgrove

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Bromsgrove

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I have this photograph. My parents were married at St John’s in 1946 and in 1996 my daughter bought it and had it framed for their 50th Anniversary. I was christened here in 1949
Hi, I was at Shenstone (Maths and Science, 1962-5, the same group as Gerry) and will forever be grateful for the excellent training we received. My name was Gerry Martin (now a more formal Geraldine Hammonds) and my lasting memory is of Miss Wood informing the whole college that it was unprofessional to be seen walking down the road eating fish and chips. I never could, but now that I am retired it is ...see more
I trained to teach at Shenstone new College 1971-1975 (inc B.ED) I loved it. I would love to hear from anyone who remembers times with me at the college and find out what they are doing now
Next to Wise's was Mrs Simmonds toy shop, then a drapers, then my Aunts' Fish & Chip shop - Plante's. Further on was a greengrocers, then my favourite shop, Smith's cake shop!