Broseley, General View c.1960
Photo ref: B234013
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A Selection of Memories from Broseley

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Broseley

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The year must have been approximately nineteen forty nine and I was twelve years old, I was attending Broseley Church of England school which I disliked immensely;[or is that a boys natural dislike] I must admit I did like going when Mrs Briscoe was taking the class as she was my very very favorite, A very motherly teacher which I think I have previously mentioned, ...see more
How well I remember having to march down to the rectory for our school dinners, the chatter was mind-boggling, my grandma used to say!I can hear you boys coming as soon as you get by RA's shop", that was Instones the butchers at Church Street. My gran's house or perhaps I should say houses as they were the row on the right-hand side just past Wedges shop and my great-grandad's was the old pub on the ...see more
I was born 1937 in the big house at the bottom of Leggs Hill. My earliest memories relate to living in Kings Street and starting school at Leggs Hill, I did not like school, it was a far cry from my loving home life. I remember looking through the wooden railings for my mom, waiting for her to wave to tell me to come back home as I was crying and so upset. Mrs Pardoe was the head and was very strict. We were ...see more