Charlwood, Rectory Pond 1904
Photo ref: 52392
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A Selection of Memories from Charlwood

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Charlwood

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We lived in a 400 year old cottage at the back of The Old Forge, later Charlwood Garage. My brother was born in the cottage in October 1965. I am trying to locate any photographs of the old house behind the forge or any photographs of the Forge itself. The house was pulled down in the 1980s, it had been built on a well and every time it rained we were flooded out, and eventually had to move out. ...see more
The James family moved to Charlwood for London in 1964 into the house next door to the brickyard. This was supposed to have been built by Mr Dearn from bricks made in the actual brickyard. The ponds were called the Raft pond, the Long Pond and the Castle pond where my brother Don and I used to fish. I seem to remember we caught lots of perch, roach and rudd. Eventually these were filled in as excavated material ...see more
My parents ran the Rising Sun pub in Charlwood where I lived from 1954-64. I often went fishing and sometimes even swimming at the Brickyard pond which at the time was owned by Mr. Dearn, whose son Malcolm I went to school with. In addition to the pond there were many old workings that used to flood forming a network of waterways, many of which contained fish. I now reside in Southern California and have fond memories of the Charlwood area.
Does anyone know of Mayfields Farm, Lowfield Heath, Charlwood Road, in 1935? I have found out that my Dad's sister {Joan Addy, 18 months old} drowned in the fishpond, around the day of the King's silver jubilee.