Chatteris, High Street c.1955
Photo ref: C210011X
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A Selection of Memories from Chatteris

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Chatteris

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In further response to Mr Ian Graham I have a few images of the Lister "D" type stationary engine that was supplied in 1942, possibly to a farmer as were many of these engines between 1926 and 1965, during which time over 250.000 were made. The engine is still in regular use, I have a short video of the engine sawing wood for a chimenea. Dean Waters.
I have many memories of Chatteris, many good times and some sad. But looking at the photos of Chatteris back in the day, it has changed little from then to my days there. But I loved the place and loved the people. Coming originally from London I thought I would have a difficulty settling in. But I was amazed by people's generosity and heartfelt respect that they have for you. I met some amazing people and enjoyed my ...see more
This photo shows my mum pushing the pram with me in it! This photo would have been taken in 1959.
The building nearest the camera on the right is (was) Graham and Fishers - founded by my great-grandfather Tom. His sons Alg (my grandfather) and Spencer worked in the business all their lives, and my father Douglas worked there until 1966. His cousin Richard also spent some time in 'the Shop' before setting up his own business further along the High Street. The scene in the photo is actually very much as I remember ...see more