Chelsfield, Homestead Road c.1960
Photo ref: C578025
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A Selection of Memories from Chelsfield

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Chelsfield

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I lived in Foxbury Drive and I remember the wonderful freedom I had with my elder brother. Our garden backed onto the rec.and we spent all day either playing tennis 2/6d for the whole day or exploring the woods. My parents never had a second thought letting us be out all day as it seemed such a safe environment! I also remember the strong community spirit. May Queen where all the mums made the outfits and the dads working on ...see more
I hope these names may jog a few memories. Some of the names of the shops in the parade of shops are: Lavina's Hairdressers Irene's Hardware store Haylets Tobacconist & Sweet shop Ackermans, the Bakers Forbouys or Forboys, the other tobacconist not sure of spelling. Savory & Moore, the Chemist
The picture of Windsor Drive is so evocative for me. I spent the first 5 years of my life living with my parents in my grandmother's council house in Sandpit Road on the Downham Estate at the bottom of Bromley Hill. We moved to World's End Lane in 1953. My grandfather, a railwayman who lived at Grove Park, had bought a plot of land in the Lane just after the war intending to build a ...see more
I think the shop next to Bon Marche was Hoddinots (butchers) and the last 'old' shop was Stanley Marks (bakers) and then a record/electrical shop run by Don Skinner - then a betting shop? In 1966 I lived for a while in the flat above Centra supermarket, one of the 'new' shops. Other new shops I remember: Hayletts, Harlins (hardware) and a hairdressers on the end. Happy days.