Chesterfield, Parish Church Of St Mary And All Saints A.D.1037 c.1955
Photo ref: C83005
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Memories of Chesterfield, Parish Church of St Mary and All Saints A.D.1037 c1955

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. These memories are of Chesterfield, Parish Church Of St Mary And All Saints A.D.1037 c.1955

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I had been coming to Chesterfield as a child from early 60s to visit family in Rhodes Ave Newbold from Glasgow and loved every minute especially summer holidays when my cousin Susan and I would come into town and straight to the co-op for a cheese cob before wandering the market. Every visit when the spire came into view it would bring tears of happiness. Now at the age of 56 I've finally come to live here ...see more
I was christend at the crooked spire church in 1955, my gran lived in Barrack Square at the time and my mum wasn't allowed to take me over the threshhold till I was christened as it was thought to be very bad luck at the time. The photo shows you how it looked back then and the clothes they used to wear in 1955, very interesting.