Cholsey, The Downs c.1960
Photo ref: C289016
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A Selection of Memories from Cholsey

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Cholsey

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This is the bio on my Blog,Cholsey Wildlife. I have always had a passion for wildlife and the environment; I have been birding now for quite a few years. I moved from Chelsea (London) to Cholsey (then Berkshire now Oxfordshire) when I was 9 years old. My main influence was my old Cholsey school headmaster W.D. (Bill) Campbell. He fostered my interest in wildlife. I have travelled widely on a global scale (ex ...see more
We moved from Chelsea, London in 1959 to the baker's shop in Honey Lane. My dad was the baker's man and my mum worked in the shop. Brett's garage was next to us and Pete and Fiorella lived opposite. My friends were Jane Sadler and Colin Edwards. There was a sweet shop down the road, Johnnie Preece's, and then Tynan's before you reached the Forty. I went to Cholsey School with my brother Paul and my sister ...see more
I was born in Cholsey in 1946 and spent probabably the best childhood I could have in a wonderful country village. I attended the village school, I was in the Church Choir and also the Brownies. A wonderful Vicar came to the village in approx 1956 (can't remember the exact year) Mr Bontoft he was called and I became very friendly with his daughter Lisa together with my next door neighbour, Beryl Hobbs, we had ...see more
I recently found your site and was excited to show it to Dad. He was evacuated out of central London during WW2. He was sent to live with the Bumpass Family from Cholsey. Andrew and Mary were their names and they had two children Eileen and Dennis. Dad told us lots of happy memories that he had of his time in Cholsey. He remembers the old school and Bunkers hill, tha old pavillion in the centre of the ...see more