Great Hucklow, The Village c.1955
Photo ref: G180020
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A Selection of Memories from Great Hucklow

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Great Hucklow

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My father, John Miller, of Sheffield learned to glide here with his friend Peter Bowen in the late 1950's. He says the closest glider is an Olympia and the next one a trainer. The man standing next to the Olympia's right wing is actually standing on the downside wing to stop the plane blowing over. Dad would spend all Sunday there doing odd jobs and manual labour waiting for ...see more
I was 10 when I was sent from my home in Bognor Regis to the Unitarian Church's holiday camp at Great Hucklow for three weeks. Since I was the only child from the south of England, I was frequently teased about my accent. I remember being miserable a lot of the time thinking that my parents had wanted to get rid of me. I even tried to run away up to the top of the hill where the gliders took off. But ...see more