At School In Hayling

A Memory of Hayling Island.

I went to Suntrap School from 1957 to 1965. I have lots of happy memories of Hayling Island. I recently went back for a holiday with my brother - it was like stepping back in time! The seafront had hardly changed, the same shops and cafes were, it was a great time.

Added 04 July 2011


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I went to Suntrap in 1957 for a year. I must admit I was very unhappy there.
I went to suntrap school from 1963 to 1968
I remember sister dempster who terrified me I suffered with asthma very badly, I once got caught in the girls dormitory by her and she went mad, can you remember the television room at the end of the girls dormitory, I can remember watching the moon landings I can remember being woken up every night by the night nurses Mr Brooks use to read us a book before we went to bed every night,
Yes, i remember the tv room, we got permission to watch the beatles when they appeared on jukebox jury. Do you remember the hall and every saturday after tea we would have a film show?Sister dempster was strict,and there was not a lot of medication for asthma then was there? i had bad asthma too, in 1963 i left for a term to see if i could go to school in london, but it was that very bad winter and i had several asthma attacks, i went back to suntrap the next term, i did not want to go back at all.
I went to Suntrap school between yrs 1951-1953 I have memories of being there for the coronation and listening to the boat race. I can remember meal times having something called junket which was disgusting, and I can remember having nights when the kids would put on shows, one of the songs was ‘ we can walk up the avenue’ and films nights with like The Oklahoma kid with James Cagney, I can remember lining up for dinner one day and one of the teachers handed me 2 cups of tea that he had been carrying and I remember shaking so much I couldn’t hold them. Does anybody remember that ? . I can can remember 2 boys ones surname was knight and another boy called Raymond Pour and 8 think he came from south all as did I, my name is Brian McCarthy. One of the teachers or helpers was a Mr Phelan who lived just outside and my mum and dad were friendly with him, I can remember visiting days when my mum and dad would come or I would get a shoe box with comics and sweets in it, one of the teachers I remember was Mr Coombs,

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