Suntrap School

A Memory of Hayling Island.

I attended Suntrap Residential School on Hayling Island from 1953 for 2 years... I loved it! I was sent there because I was small for my age. A lot of the kids had asthma, and it was thought that being at school on the edge of the sea would benefit us all. Well, I am 71 now, and I managed to reach only 4 ft. 11 inches! But what wonderful memories I have of my old school. I went back a few years ago - 'not' a good idea! There were 60 girls and 60 boys, the girls dorms one side of the playground, the boys the other side. Each dorm held 20 beds, 3 doms in all. I had an excellent education, my teacher Mr Gough encouraged me with my composition and said I would one day become a writer. Dear Mr Gough - I did! I would love to get in touch with some of my old school mates, especially Wendy Jones and Len Stemp. My maiden name was Ruth Borer. As I am an after-dinner speaker, the name Borer had to go - so I married a Smith! I remember having to stand up when Matron entered the room, and the nursing staff, especially Nurse Reid (she didn't like me, and the feeling was mutual). My time spent at Suntrap was probably one of the happiest of my entire life.

Added 09 April 2014


Comments & Feedback

I went to suntrap from 1957-65, i was just 7 when i when there, i had very bad asthma, i was very homesick at first and cried myself to sleep most nights, but i realised i could not go home until the holidays so we all had to make the best of it,we saw our parents on the first sunday of the month, no half terms,we had fun , not a lot of education, i still keep in touch with a few of my school friends, my brother and i paid a visit to hayling a few years ago,it was like going back in time,the frontage of the school is still there but the rest is luxury flats now.
I was at Suntrap during this period. May name was Sandra White, my friends were Valerie Hales-Owen and Maureen, Boys were Michael Burbidge, Anthony Stone, Gordon Battle
I was at Suntrap possibly around 1950/51. I was sent there as I had nervous excema on my face, my name was Sandra Andrews. I remember at bedtime I had to wear splints on my arms so I did not scratch my face... very painful when I tried to bend my arms. I also remember we had to line up daily for our doses of cod liver oil and malt extract. I am sure that we used to go to the beach and had to wear red costumes. I would so love to hear from any one from that time if my memories are correct !!
I too, was at Suntrap from 1955 to 1962. Then us maturing boys were sent to Henley. I had bad asthma and suffered a lot in those days. [as did everyone else there] I remember miss Howe was the headmistress and our masters were named Mr Brooks, Mr Stuart and Mr Driver.[Who unfortunately passed away suddenly during the term.] We were made to go swimming regularly off the beach and we were taught to be very well mannered [in the company of staff, at least]. The boat house on the beach was our cub scout hall, and the march to Sunday church in the town will never be forgotten. Some of the names on this site seem familiar but hard to put a face to. so long ago but seems like yesterday when you start to remember.
Yes, i was there from 1957-65,the reason that the boys left when were eleven was because a girl got pregnant there in the 50's, such a scandal! i enjoyed myself there and must have known you ray, but the boys and girls did not really mix that much, only in school hours, although i do remember doing dares, we would run through your dorm and would try not to get caught by any of you boys, then you would run through our dorm! i got caught by sister dempster one night and answered her back, i was told i was acting like a baby so i had to sleep in the younger children's dorm, i was 13 and was not a happy bunny! went back to the island a few years ago, suntrap is now luxury apartments.
Hello all on this comment, I need some things cleared up. I was eight when I was at Suntrap in 1952. Now I thought there were nuns there, but as I was alway ill, maybe it was my imagination. Does anyone have some good photos of the school around that time. My name then was Grace Fielder but I don't think I made any friends as I had social skill probems.
So glad to have found this site. My name is Leon Berg. Suntrap has been on my mind recently, since I believe going there and some experiences while there were traumatic for me. I have a couple of photos but don't know how to upload them...
I remember a Mr Upfold. Does anybody else? I had a rough time with him. Once he dragged me from the toilets to the dining hall because I was late. I remember trying to appease him after that. I also remember matron being Miss Keyes. Once I was caught in the evening walking though a building site for a new building (gym?). The head mistress gave me the cane the next day. I remember Windsor, a separate dorm for the older boys. I enjoyed listening to 'Journey Into Space' on the radio. It was a special treat. Also memories of a crafts area where we made raffia place mats. Unfortunately I'm not good with names. The only boy I remember was Robin, whose bed was opposite mine. We used get up to mischief by 'short sheeting' beds and sometimes placing spiders from the loo into other boy's beds...I also had splints put on my arms to stop me scratching, as well as mittens. That was miserable...
Also, first thing in the morning we had to go to the clinic and lie over raised boards to clear mucus that collected in our lungs overnight....
I attended Suntrap School in Hayling Island during the middle to late 60's my class teacher was called Mr Coombes , he was the best teacher I've even known , remembered him all my life . My two best friends were Susan Whitfield and Linda Grover , would love to hear from them again . Another teacher there was called Ms Taylor and Mrs Hall the needle work teacher as well as cookery teacher . My name is Olwen I attended the school due to me having anorexia . I remember also sister dempster she wore a hospitals sisters uniform with white cap on her head , I remember her being very strict but fair . Also Mr Brooks was the boys teacher . Ms Taylor lived in mushroom house that was next door to the boarding school , the house was shaped like a mushroom hence its name . I once was the princess in the school play . Mr Coombes was the teacher who taught his class the play for parents to come and watch , I really liked Mr Coombes so I worked hard for him , he was the best teacher , saving me often from class bullies ! On the beach was the beach hut where the girls would have tbeir girl guide sessions and the boys , scouts .. I can remember the faces of all the carers of the children at Suntrap but not all tbeir names , one I recall was called Mrs Sutton . She lived on the Island . is my email , please get in touch if you recognise me .. Thank you Olwen
I attended Suntrap School in Hayling Island during the middle to late 60's my class teacher was called Mr Coombes , he was the best teacher I've even known , remembered him all my life . My two best friends were Susan Whitfield and Linda Grover , would love to hear from them again . Another teacher there was called Ms Taylor and Mrs Hall the needle work teacher as well as cookery teacher . My name is Olwen I attended the school due to me having anorexia . I remember also sister dempster she wore a hospitals sisters uniform with white cap on her head , I remember her being very strict but fair . Also Mr Brooks was the boys teacher . Ms Taylor lived in mushroom house that was next door to the boarding school , the house was shaped like a mushroom hence its name . I once was the princess in the school play . Mr Coombes was the teacher who taught his class the play for parents to come and watch , I really liked Mr Coombes so I worked hard for him , he was the best teacher , saving me often from class bullies ! On the beach was the beach hut where the girls would have tbeir girl guide sessions and the boys , scouts .. I can remember the faces of all the carers of the children at Suntrap but not all tbeir names , one I recall was called Mrs Sutton . She lived on the Island . is my email , please get in touch if you recognise me .. Thank you Olwen
I went to Suntrap because of my asthma. We lived at that time in the West Midlands, the air quality was poor in those days so I was sent in 1957 to Hayling Island. I was eleven years old and stayed until I was fourteen. I was initially in Windsor dormitory and the later in Senior Boys. The housemasters were Mr Upfold, Mr Driver and Mr Brookes. I can remember Mr Driver starting at the school, he was ex Royal Navy and Metropolitan Police. Once we were all in bed he used to tell us stories of his exploits in the Navy and Police. He was still there when I left. My other memories are being weighed each week and having to do drainage morning and evening. The teachers were Miss Stout headmistress, Mr Coombes and Mr Woods. Other boys I can remember were Tony Gunnell, Brian Hobbs, Derek? Hughes, Paul Thurston and Allan? Spendlove. We also went to St Mary's church every Sunday where I was confirmed in July 1957 by J.W.Hollinswood vicar of Hayling. Happy days.
I went to Hayling Island Suntrap school from the age of six, around 1958, I do not remember any names of teachers or kids.
I remember two or three events, everyone getting flu, someone being hit by a train in the carriage, the coach being late to take us back home, and someone getting a wedding gift,
I remember Flowers called red hot pokers, and the fisher man hut on the beach.
The best thing was receiving passels from my lovely Mum and Dad because with that came there love,
The Matron Wrote to my Dad writing me off, as not going to be able to achieve much in life, I wish I could show her my CV,
In a TV series aged 13, playing in a Pop Band aged 19 and a Retail Manager aged 21, going on to run my own business.

Hi there

My dad was sent to a kids home / boarding school on Hayling in 1947. He was only 2.5 or 3 years old. We can't find where it was. Is it possible it was Suntrap... did they take kids that young?
sebley commented:
Hi there

My dad was sent to a kids home / boarding school on Hayling in 1947. He was only 2.5 or 3 years old. We can't find where it was. Is it possible it was Suntrap... did they take kids that young?
Do you know Patricia Aldis at all she was there grofrom m 1955 to 61
Do you know a Patricia Aldis my mum waz there grom 55 to 61 we are looking gor any info
Sorry my email is
Or find me on fb Michaela Elphick
You might know my mum Patricia Aldis
My email is
Love to hear from you
My sister and I were at Suntrap in about 1960. I didn't like it very much but my older sister thought it was ok. We didn't have health problems, it was for respite for our mum, but that's another story. Miss Stout was the headmistress and the kids sang "tra la la boom de ay, Miss Stout blew off today"! Well, it was funny at the time.
Others have mentioned the parcels from home and the film nights, Saturday nights I think they were shown. They were the best times. The food was usually ok I think, but sometimes not so good. There was an old (to us) lady who lived nearby and she had different children to her house for tea each week. She was kind and gave us cakes and biscuits too.
The corridor at the end of our dorm which led to other dorms was "haunted", well we thought so anyway. It was dark and creepy at night.
We went on the beach sometimes, I remember the huge waves. We had a big bonfire on the beach one day, perhaps it was Guy Fawkes day.
There was a boy called Royston Stapleton who had red hair and was "posh" I think. One of the older girls fell in love with him and she got into trouble for being silly about it. It was a big drama, we were all only kids after all.
Some of the children were very unhappy there but some of the teachers were very kind and understanding. My sister and I were glad to go home.
Hi all
I have just been given the name of my brother who went to this school for his asthma.
Did anyone know Roy Vincent?
I don't remember much at all about my brother going to this school. He died as a young man through ill health. I am now 63 and he was 18 months younger.
Just a thought.
Am Lynda Lewis
Hi all
I have just been given the name of my brother who went to this school for his asthma.
Did anyone know Roy Vincent?
I don't remember much at all about my brother going to this school. He died as a young man through ill health. I am now 63 and he was 18 months younger.
Just a thought.
Am Lynda Lewis
Hi olwen. Was yr surname weaver? And u have a twin called Gwen?? I remember I was there the same time as u. We where in the annex together in the same room. My name then was Yvonne Jackson. X
Hello yvonne jackson my mum is called tracey dugan she thinks she she remembers you nd would love to hear from you unfortunately she doesnt have acess to Internet. we would love to hear from you she attened from 1968 to 1978 xxx
Hello i remember your mum, my nane is susan Daley, id love yo know if she remembers me,
Hello i remember your mum, my nane is susan Daley, id love yo know if she remembers me,
My mum Norma Buckingham went to the school around 1953- 1958 ish, sat talking to her about it at the moment her general memory isn't great but she remembers everything about her time at the school. Best days of her life she recognises alot of the names of children that were at the school.
I'm writing this on behalf of my mum who is Christina (Tina) Thomas. She would have been at Suntrap around 1958-1968, my mum is now 67 years old. She can't remember alot of names as she was young and it was so long ago.

She remembers Miss Gillls who had a labrador dog, Mr woods, mrs taylor. My mum said she remembers at dinner time she was always put on the fattening up table and were given seconds as was too skinny. Does anyone else remember the 2 donkeys at the back of the school where the vegetable patch was? Mum was in the girl guides too..

Mum would love to hear from anyone who remembers her.
Sorry my email is

Christina Thomas
My name was Joyce finch, I was 1952-1954, I remember a girl called Paula Russell, forgotten most of the names, I remember going to the surgery for “ draining “
I remember the names of two boys, not sure of the year, Robert Randsom and Charlie skinner,
My name is Jeff Cane and I was there probably between 55-56. I made friends with a guy i think was called Leon from a distant memory. However I do remember my first girl friend I would say in : Sandra Tramain who lived in Alexandra Palace , who I learnt ages ago had died, a lovely girl.
I remember having bad flu there, boys trying to run away , the area out back with a goat, being in bed and hearing a plane passing low overhead and kids looking into the darkness to hopefully see some sort of sea rescue...
I had asthma and as a skinny kid with National health specs I may have stood out... if you remember me i would be so chuffed.
I was lucky enough to have a wonderful privileged childhood on hayling , at times like Easter when I got so many gifts I kept only one, the rest was all donated to the kids at sun trap, I’m 60 now, but I still remember it well, I hope the best for everyone who attended there, I’m in Florida now but coming home for visit in August, love hayling
I was lucky enough to have a wonderful privileged childhood on hayling , at times like Easter when I got so many gifts I kept only one, the rest was all donated to the kids at sun trap, I’m 60 now, but I still remember it well, I hope the best for everyone who attended there, I’m in Florida now but coming home for visit in August, love hayling
hi michelle,only just looked on this site,does bring back memories of being at suntrap,i was there 62-64,I had chronic asthma,I don’t remember too much as i was only 5 when i first attended,certain things i do remember,one is we used to do the maypole dance,and you mentioning the two donkey’s,they were called choccy & kerry,went back for a visit some years ago,it’s all built on now,but the main entrance was listed so they had to build it into the new complex,it brought back some nice memories,we knocked on the door,and a lovely man said come in,and said we get a lot of ex suntrap pupils visiting,im 63 now,they said i wasn’t expected to live past 10,so suntrap have done me proud,hope mums all good,take care,colin x
hi michelle,i did add a comment,but it seems to be at the top of this column,hope you get to read it
yes they took very young children,I was one the school was good but stricte .they tried to get me to eat sardines but they failed. bulled by one of the teachers, because I could not get back to sleep one sunday morning.
Hi all
I was wondering if any one remembered a lorraine Lawrence/parham think she attended between 1952/68.
Does the name raymond hodgson ring a bell to anyone
I went to Suntrap school from 1963 - 1971 I was 7yrs old. My name is Angela Nelson Graham. My sister's Yvonne and Pauline Nelson, an brother Philip Nelson went there. My first supervisor was Miss Budgen, our headmistress was Miss Stout, she had a dalmatian dog. My first teacher was Mrs Lee, I sat next to Polly Perkins. The donkeys were coccyx abd kerry, the gardener was Mr Freach. Mrs Taylor was My art teacher, Mrs Hall was our domestic science/ and needlework teacher. I loved it there. It was the best time of my life. I am now 67yrs. I remember so many people. Jackie Nichols was my best friend.

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