Where Is St. Patricks Open Air School?

A Memory of Hayling Island.

Did you go to St. Patricks Open Air School? I was sent in 1957 as I had very bad asthma and I left in 1965. The school was open to about a hundred girls who suffered from a range of chest conditions. The school was run by nuns of the order of The Sacred Hearts Of Jesus and Mary. I went to visit in 2011 but to my great distress found that the site had completely vanished and is now occupied by a housing estate. The school was sited on the corner of Beach Road and opposite the funfair. I have some old photos of the school to share and would love to hear from anyone who attended including nuns.
Ann Barker, nee Harvey

Added 09 January 2012


Comments & Feedback

I went to St Patrick's but not until '62 (then stayed nearly 10 years)! I visited the island several years ago and found the school in the process of being demolished. I walked around the rubble and found an old bunch of keys that the nuns used to wear on their belts! I have some old photos as well that I could dig out. Ginny Trickett (now Harris)
My two sisters and I were in St. Patricks too. I have a lot of memories, we were there from 1960 until 1964. I remember you Virgina and I knew Michelle Lawrence and I remember Ann Harvey and many others. I can share memories with you if you like, email me at dickens5@sky.com Irene Mckie .
Hi Ginny (Trickett), remember me? Mary Lynch and we hung around together, along with Norheena Ansell, and Gillian Hull. We touched base about five years ago but then lost contact again. Would love to share more memories of St. Patricks OAS (there in the mid 60's and left the year it closed, 1972) with other girls. Sonia Bagshaw for one. Mary Byrne, but don't remember too many names now. Was on the Friends Reunited site but they have now closed. Anyone got any old photos of the pupils? Mary French (nee Lynch), San Francisco, CA
Hi girls.
Yes it tragic it all bulldozed down.
We have set up a group on Facebook...so if you see this and can join us please search...St.Patricks Open Air School Hampshire.
Love Susan Parker.
Hi Ginny, just re-reading a post I sent you this year (see above) about St. Patrick's and it was in answer to your posting on 28th February 2015. There is also a new site opened up on Facebook. It is a closed site (so easy to distinguish which one from all the others under the title of the school name) and there are lots of photos on the site now. Only five members so far but hoping you all here will hop on over and join it. Sue Bradford operates it and it would be great if you all could join and post your memories and photos. Hope to read your memories soon. Mary French (nee Lynch)
Whoops, meant to write Susan Parker not Sue Bradford. Sorry!
I was at st patricks o a s because i was delicate as as child .icame from a colliery village called Ollerton . Iremember syrup of figs and cod liveroil parishers chemical food and Bemax .My name wasmary clarke and i slept in top floor dorm
I attended st pats in the late 50's my name then was sandra Hughes I suffered a skin condition and then later developed asthma I remember all the comments that have been made .
Does anyone remember watching Lassie come home we used to sit on the playroom floor and we used to have our own lockers and we used to go round with rags on our feet polishing the lovely parquet floor. I slept in the lower dorm and the nuns used to give me salt baths as I suffered with egzema and used to take me through the side gate to the beach for me to swim in the sea little did they know they were doing me more harm than good.
I hope somebody remembers me because I remember everything about the school but don't remember girls names.
I was in St Patrick’s from the age of 7 to 10, 1963-66, Joanne (Jo) Hodgson, does anyone remember me? Had eczema and asthma, sent there to get schooling and to get away from the coal-mining valley of Nottingham. I have lots of memories I’d love to share - not all good, particularly of Sister Vincent...
(she was a tarter!). I was in the Sound of Music - played Gretel the baby of the family, and the Cheshire Cat in Alice In Wonderland (we definitely had some fun there). Remember I was placed under the wing of Rosemary Hallum (sp?), and Doris (can’t remember last night) older girls who showed me the ropes. I remember Sister Bertha, a truly good woman. I remember Carole Furnival - she was a little terror, if there was trouble she was in the middle! 😄). Will try to find the FB page but if anyone wants to connect my e-mail is jo.mccutcheon@frontier.com, love to hear from you!
This is great so many names I remember! I would like to contact Ann Harvey, we had some good times together.

Roberta [Bobby] Anderson nee Pressling.
The school was originally sold to Portsmouth Cathedral choir school as the H&E regulations were far too expensive for the nuns to afford. The choir school was the until the late 70s/early 80s when it was sold for building. They sold everything including the chapel floor. This may have caused the buyers a bit of a problem as my Mum & Dad went down there while it was being knocked down and 'liberated' a piece of the floor for me!!! I still have it too.
I have just found this site. My name was Pamela Manton then now Norris. I have many memories of St. Patricks too. I was there 1955 for 3 years. I can't remember many names now but Sister Bertha as being one of the nice sisters. I was there because of bad Asthma. I remember having to lay on beds on the lawn in summer after lunch for an hour. Having to go for a swim on the beach in summer in these old worn out costumes with holes in. I did learn to ride a bike (no idea where it came from) I cut my hand on some wire on the fence and got scolding from the nurse, I can't remember the Sisters name Dorothy? but she was horrible.
The only girls name I can remember is Melanie she never seemed to leave her bed. I first met her at a previous home in Brighton, she had very blond curly hair. I have a photo of the Corpus Christi parade, but don't know how to send it.
Remember St Vincent weell x x
My name is Doreen Chatterley Just writing to see if anyone remembers me I went to st Patricks covent in 1951 - I remember sister Dorothy she gave out early morning medicine, she was the nun people was scared off.
There was also sister Benedict she would comb your hair.
I would love to reconnect with people or memories.

The names I remember being there are -
Christine Morgan
Heather birch
Maureen O'Neil
Dorothy Hodge
Gillian Mead.

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