Inverness, The Palace Hotel And The Columba Hotel c.1965
Photo ref: I25002
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A Selection of Memories from Inverness

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Inverness

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This wondeful hotel was a show-topper in 1948. I could never have afforded to stay here. However my friends and I often came here Saturday evenings to enjoy the party atmosphere and dance the night away. The highlight of this hotel's ballroom was the 'sprung floor' Plus the advantage of having two stages, one at each end of the ballroom, This meant that on one stage held a 'Modern' dance band, and a ...see more
My grandmother was widowed in 1920, her husband having stayed in the Army to tend the graves in France where he succumbed to influenza. Grandmother was left to bring up 6 children on her own with little money. She was given a brand new council house (Dunain Road I think) but could not afford the rent and had to move into a 2 room flat in Balnain House. How on earth she managed I will never know ...see more
Thoughts of Inverness come flooding back when I remember my time off work at the Glen Affirc Hydro Electric Project in 1949-1950. My two friends from work Bill Collins and Andy Anderson and I would climb into my Morris 8 roadster and head for the 'big city' for a night out. We'd enjoy a lovely venison dinner and a few drinks at a good hotel. Then later on we'd go to the Caledonian Ballroom to their saturday night dances. ...see more
My name is Philip Beach- my Grandmother hails from Inverness. Her maiden name was Isabel Martin, born about 1890, her sister's name (married) was Euphemia Archibald who lived to be 101 in my hometown of Rochester, NY USA. Isabel married Powlus (or Paulus) Beach, and moved to Nova Scotia, Canada in the mid 19 teens. They had 6 children- 5 girls and a boy, my father Charles Osker Beach. I currently live in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and I am 50 years old. Does anyone have a memory of my family?