Great Times Playing In The Fields.

A Memory of Northolt.

I was born in Greenford on 1st Oct 1943 (25 Greenway Gardens) We were bombed out & were evacuated to various places. It must have been after the war we moved to 7 Laughton Rd in Northolt. We didn't live there long but moved to 27 Bournemead Close Northolt. There were fields at the bottom of the garden. We used to visit a pond (called it the Bog because the water was black & yukky) We found newts & another type of newt which was black with an orange stomach which we called a Trojan. We used to go through the 1st woods (as we called it) then a small field then the second woods then the blue bell woods.
We used to crawl across a narrow wall which was (to us) very high & looked down to water a long way down. We were always in a group. Yes there were quite often strange men about & we all just did a runner. Mum always used to say"If you see a man". "Run". Also we played in the sand pit which was an old firing range from the war.We used to find & play with old bullit cartridges. Great times!! When I was ten years old we moved to Boreham wood.
We missed Northolt so much. I now live in a village near Peterborough. My brothers & my sister still talk about our fun & freedom we had in Northolt. Happy days!!

Added 07 May 2014


Comments & Feedback

Hi Pauline. Whilst I was only born in 1960 I lived in Bournemead Avenue and have the same memories of the fields, the woods, the sand pit! We also used to go up to "borrow" clay pigeons! I remember motor bike scrambling behind those woods? Carefree days.

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