Nostalgic memories of Northolt's local history

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 81 in total

The racecourse was pretty much my home all my life, Kempton Avenue. I was born in Ealing in 53 of Welsh family, and from 1955- 1971 grew up in Northolt. I went to West End infants (opposite the Target), where 40 of us shared green carbolic soap, rough towels and the same chipped enamel bowl of cooling water to wash hands, before, moving to Northolt Infants on the racecourse. From there to Islip Manor, then a ...see more
My name is Nick, and I lived in Northolt at 43 Kempton Avenue, going to the old Northolt Primary at the Target, the new primary off Mandeville Road, then Islip Manor junior. This was from 1962- 1971. All Crittall steel windows, coal fires and hardly any cars My mum, Margaret lived there and passed away 7 years ago. I bought my 2nd home (with my 2nd wife, who I met in Devon) in ...see more
Hi I remember my days at St Vincent was fairly happy ones. Lived round in Wilsmere drive in flats from where I left to Get married in 1967. Well a lot of us were known by nick names. I had two - one was Olive and other bean pole - never bothered me. People I remember were our dinner table lot John Wink, Peter, Barbara Virgin, Pam sorry can't remember surnames hope all have had good lives. Mine has ...see more
I was born in Barnet in 1942, but the Germans bombed our house and killed my dad a few months later. I was sent to Wales to avoid the Blitz. (BlitzKrieg - Lightening strikes) after 5 years I found myself in Millway Gardens in Northolt in a small maisonette with my twin brother and my mother and grand mother. We went to Islip Manor Prinmary school which had just been built then in 1948. It was so bright and ...see more
I remember this school with great affection I lived with my grandparents and mum in Shadwell drive (can't remember the number) but it was the last house facing the school. Nan would watch me walking to school every day as she could see right up the road and never worried about me. Sadly we moved to Southall when my grandparents died and my mum remarried. My grandparents surname was Marshall and my surname was Green Happy days
Lived in Belvue Road until 1970. Attended Northolt Primary by Target roundabout . Remember well the headmistress Miss Wayman and teachers Miss Bottomley and Mrs laprake. Also remember the male teacher with Percy the plimsoll. lOthers in my class were Celia Widows, Felicity Henderson , Geoffrey Bagus and Clive Johns. Later attended Eliots Green until 1963. My maiden name was Braggins. Used to play in 'the jugle' ...see more
I have just discovered this site by chance and have read so many comments that have stirred memories for me. My name is Ian Bradford. I was born in Perivale Maternity Hospital in 1950. I lived on Ripon Close from 1954 to about 1963 - with some of that time living at my grandparents in Hanwell. I went to Islip Manor and then Walford School. As one of your other contributors mentioned they were still saving for a ...see more
Looking for Hilary Mansell. Somewhere between 1961 to 1965. Did two school trips. St Ives Cornwall then Luxembourg? Hope someone can help me trace her. Jim xx
I lived in Wood End Lane (no. 9), from 1941 from the age of six months, until 1948 when I moved to the new council houses at Newnham Close, locally known as Tintown, because it had steel framed walls on the upper storey. No. 9 was a ground- floor flat with two bedrooms and my sister Joyce and I shared the back bedroom. After the war we used to play in the Wireless Field, as it was called by the locals. We went ...see more
i left school in 1961 and still remember most of the teachers, does anyone remember the school tuck shop which I helped to run, good memories, happy days. I still remember most of my class mates does anyone remember me?