
A Memory of Northolt.

We were living in 97dabbs hill lane. My dad won the pools(274.oo) at the time a lot of money .He bought probably the first car in the street! I had two brothers john .a bit of a baddie! And Dennis who was gay. Both of them dead now as are mum and dad. Me? I am 73 married living in herts. I dont remember much about childhood except we used to go to the newt pond to play.i went to wood end girls. John went to vincent so i believe did Dennis. Have lost touch with everyone i every one having moved away at about seventeen. Returned home to be married got divorced .but now happy with peter nearly thirty years on!

Added 24 May 2014


Comments & Feedback

Hello Gina (knew you as Jean) - this is David from no 95 - think we last met in Reading at Thames Waters' HQ? I now live in France
Hi David just logged in to this Northolt thing.what are you doing in France? If I remember your wife made my 1st wedding cake! Have only been married once more now 33 years on so I must have got it right! Both John and Dennis have died as mum and dad too I seem to be ok as are you I hope.didnt you have a couple of sprogs? Trust they are well and you are happy and enjoying the wine ! Love gina
Well now.
I have been trying to get information about Wood End during the war years.
I think there was an air rade shelter in the playground.
I was there from 1938 until I moved on the senior school in 1945. Even scraped through the 11+.
Lived in Girton Road at that time. Manged to keep in touch with many friends at Walpole Grammar School (Still produce a newsletter twice a year) but have lost touch with fellow Wood End pupils although I feel there must be some photos somewhere.
Best Regards
Derek Maltby

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