Nostalgic memories of Prescot's local history

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Displaying all 10 Memories

I too, remember Mrs Bamforth, Miss Batton and Miss Chattaway. I have happy memories of going to school in the late 40's, although I am afraid I can't remember anyone's name. My maiden name was Robinson and I have a brother two years younger than me - Freddy. We lived at 131 Kemble Street, which I believe is no longer there. My father, who was born in Prescot, worked at the BICC which was directly ...see more
Does anyone remember George and Ada Price. They lived in Prescot in the fifties and moved to the new masonettes in Beaconsfield in the 1960's. They had a son Gerogie and a daughter Phoebe. I have many fond memories of coming to visit them from Huyton. Prescot was an affluent town then, everybody worked for the BICC. to the brand new masonettes in beaconsfield in the 1960's
Does anyone remember a street party in Beaconsfield Street, Prescot? I think it must have been for the Coronation. I was about 4 and I can remember sitting at a long table outside my Grandma's house which was 2 doors up from Prescot C of E school. I can also remember Sunday School Treats which happened when we had completed the Whit Walks and ended up at Knowsley Park (before it was a Safari Park) we had a party tea in a big marquee and then ran races.
Although I was born at 96 Manchester Road, I too remember Beaconsfield Street very well as my aunt and uncle lived there. Doe's anyone remember The Brownbills? I went to the Church School in the next street, before moving on to the Board School on Warrington Road; Mister Barnet was the Headmaster, does anyone remember him? Then I went on to Whiston Central School, only for one year though, as we moved away down to ...see more
I was born in Victoria Place, Prescot in 1940. Does anyone remember Jonny Mather's sweet shop? I remember the street party when my dad painted Cictoria Place white, and the first car in our street, it was an Austin 8 owned by Mr C Fairclough in no 1 Court. And the Christmas that our Christmas tree caught fire and burned down, it was run off an accumulator because we only had gas. I 'remember 'pegleg' ...see more
I remember the Queen coming to Prescot and waiting opposite the council offices to see her go past. We all had little flags. We waited for a long time then the car was spotted in the distance. We raised our flags and whoosh! She had gone past before we had time to wave them. I can remember being disapointed. I remember the Salvation Army place. On Sunday nights in summer we used to go out and watch their open air services. I remember Mrs Bamforth and also Miss Batton and Miss Chataway. Audrey
I also remember the school in Beaconsfield Street and I remember Audrey who was in my class. Albert Street is clear in my memory too as it was in the Salvation Army there that I learnt to play the cornet in their band. Strangely, I have little recollection of the coronation celebrations though I do remember the street party in Victoria Place for the Festival of Britain. There was also a day in 1953, I ...see more
I went to primary school in Beacoonsfield Street from 1952-1959. I have a very hazy memory of a street party in the street for the coronation. I remember white cups and saucers, a large teapot with an extra handle on the front, sandwiches and cakes. I remember tables down the street and me sitting on a bench at the table. I remember bunting in the windows. Does anyone else remember this? My best friend was Jean ...see more
I was born in number 11 in 1932. My family name was Clough. MY dad was known to most people as Sammy Clough. We moved to number 28 a few years later. My Grandparents lived at 24. My great aunt at 22. I went to primary school and Sunday School in the Street . We used the shop at the top of the street known as Ginny Woodward's. Most of my memories were of 1940s, of air raids when my sister and I ...see more
Approximately 1955 to 1959. I remember going to Knowsley Park for the Sunday School 'treat'. We would walk round the town in procession in our best clothes behind our banners. The procession would end in Knowsley Park and we would have tea in a marquee - sandwiches, cakes, jelly and cups of tea in white cups and saucers. After tea we would have races - for example the egg and spoon race. Does anyone else remember this? My maiden name was Lamb.