Ambassador Cinema

A Memory of Slough.

Used to go to Saturday morning pictures. My dad, Jimmy Williams, was a projectionist there, and both my mum and my nan worked there; they had the torch to show you to your seat. Films like Zorro and Old Mother Riley were on. Also down the Farnham Road was a Cafe called Taste Freez, a haunt for Saturdays. Later as I grew up, went to William Penn, and used to go from school to my bike delivery job at Darvilles, just along from Slough Record Centre. Good old Ray, delivering groceries...and then might go down the Snooker Hall (now Iceland). I also remember where BetFred is now, used to be a Burger Restaurant, called Crocketts. It was 30 years before McDonalds or Burger King, didn't last a year, but somebody had the idea... just too early. I wonder if they went on to be successful? Probably owns 20 McDonald Franchises....great times.

Added 03 November 2013


Comments & Feedback

I beleve Crocketts was opened by Mars as an experiment but they never pursued it, but they have done well making the best sweets in the world. I have some great memories of the Ambo especially seeing the film Rock Around the Clock and Dany trying to get every one stay in their seats the real good old days

goo blog
remember tastee freez our mum used to take us there for the long hot dog called a doozle dog if i remember right there used to be metal signs of the zodiac on the wall happy days used to go to sat morning pictures at the ambassador with my sister and brother
My grandfather was care taker at the ambassador from the day it was built to the day it was pulled down his name was Freddrick Baldwin as some already mentioned my dad and his brothers used go sneak in the back door to watch the Films, I spent much of my childhood there helping my grandfather clean the bingo numbers, take dents of ot the balls, refill the bottles on the selfs and unlock the doors always had an eary feeling in there and my sons great grandfather was the fish monger that used to stand on the carpark at the side his name was mr Davies.

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