Electric Trains On Southend Pier In 1957

A Memory of Southend-on-Sea.

I remember exactly when I first went to Southend. It was October 1957 and I can be so sure as I remember seeing newspapers on sale with the fantastic news about the successful launch of the Sputnik Russian satellite. It was exciting news to round off an interesting day as my family took my on the outing of my choice to celebrate my twelfth birthday.

I recall the green and cream electric trains which trundled us up and back along the mile long pier. My four year old brother wouldn't walk that far but I was glad he was the excuse for my ride on the train! Ice creams, the amusement arcade and a fun filled day were followed by a bit of a problem with my Dad's car. We had an old 1953 Ford Prefect and he parked it for the day in the street in Southend. When we first arrived in the morning my mother was sitting in the back of the car with my young brother while my Dad and I went to some nearby shops - she heard a strange hissing noise and opened the car door to find some kids unscrewing our tyre valve and letting the air out. They got such a shock as they had seen my Dad and me walking away and thought the car was empty! Anyway he decided to park in the next street. When we returned in the evening after our lovely day on the pier he found a parking ticket on the car. He was so cross as there were no parking restriction signs so we had to find the police station to go and sort it out. Apparently there had been yellow lines in that road but it had been resurfaced and the lines not yet repainted. The police let us off as we were visitors and were not to know about this. Can you imagine this happening these days!!

So that was my memorable visit to Southend recalled in detail over fifty years later!

Added 28 August 2008


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