Southwell, Minster, West Gate 1934
Photo ref: 86092
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A Selection of Memories from Southwell

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Southwell

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I was born in Southwell in 1955. In Easthorpe. I still go for walks around town i will be 62 this year. I would love to move back but the cost of houses are to much My first taste of beer was in the Portland. No longer there. I use to go to school there. My final school was the Edward Cludd. Which is called the minster now. The back lanes i use to play are still there. The mill which is flats now. I remember when it was a ...see more
The Methodist infant school's headmaster was George Topliss, my teacher was Mrs Cresswell. The school is now a private house. There were only three classes, infants, juniors and seniors. If you did not pass the 11+ you stayed until 14-15 years and then went to work. In the juniors was an ogre of a teacher, really strict and who spat when getting cross. Getting to Mr Topliss's class was the aim, he was lovely, or when ...see more
I was a projectionist at the cinema, we had a change of programe three times a week. The manager then was Mr Charles Ellis, he then lived at Halam, he used to bike to work then. There was also a ballroom at the top of the cinema, the people came from all over to dance on Saturday night. I also have seen long queues waiting to get into pictures. There was also for a short time live talent shows on the stage. There ...see more
I was born in 1941 on Westgate in Southwell opposite the old fire station - now offices - and my father was assistant headmaster at the Grammar School and my mother was a domestic science teacher at the Edward Cludd School. We moved to Vicars Court on Church Street and Kirkbys was the grocers at the top of the street. On the corner stood the National Provincial Bank. Happy memories of running errands very safely in ...see more