Oh For Thing Past.

A Memory of St Paul's Cray.

I was born in 1941 in St Augustine's Rd at the top of Chalk Pit Ave. The memory I have are, the Bull Inn at the corner of Sandy Lane next to Nashes Paper Mills. Ridge ways ? the all one shop, {things past}. Doing paper rounds for Nicholson's to get a few bob to buy a bike. I went too to the tin hut school as well. The cold walk across the rec on a blowy winters day. Runny nose, cold feet, but a nice warm stove going in the class room. Then on to Hearns Rise school where it was proved I was thick as a brick!!!! All I wanted do, was go up to the Clump and climb trees, until I fell out and done my nose in. When I left school, I went to work in London. Got fed up with the Rat Race up there and went into the Army. Best thing I done. Thay gave me an eduction and turned a mouse into a man. Done 9 years and went all over the world. Came out in 1969 and went to work as a stores man for an industrial supply's co at 5 Ways, New Eltam.
After 1 year I got the job as stores manger at the Croydon branch. I then got the chance to move to Southampton as full branch manger. Very quickly moved a wedding date forward so I could move down with Pauline my new partner in life. Where we lived and had 2 girls. After 15 years of busting my backside off, a change of direction, we purchased a small shop in Torquay where we still live. Got to 65 hung my boots up, closed the shop. We now have time to travel all over England, Wales, Scotland and do the things we could not do when we had the shop. The last time I was up in the St Pauls Cray area was 20 odd years ago, and by the looks of it, what have thay done to it ??? So end the 1st bit.. To all old St Pauls Cray {WHAT DO WE CALL OURSELFS ??} good bye from me and good bye him...

Added 16 August 2013


Comments & Feedback

Hi my mum GILLIAN SMART remembers she was born in 1943 ... She also remembers the tin huts lol x
I remember all the things David mentioned (and I remember him !) I was also born in 1943 and went to the 'hut' school, but not sure if I remember Gillian Smart....sounds familiar, though ! I have lived in Canada for 51 years, but did visit Chalk Pit Ave. about 15 years ago and actually had the opportunity to go into my old house ! Looked so small !
I didn't mention (in the above comments) that my name was Shirley Raeburn and I lived on Chalk Pit Ave., from 1943 until 1964. Chalk Pit Ave., wasn't finished past Augustine Road when I was born ! Hence, we were able to play 'up the clump' !!
My name is Leslie Breame and i lived at 34 Chalkpit Avenue and knew Shirley Raeyburn !! She was older than me and i knew her brother Christopher who was more my brother Johns age. I too went to THE HUTS school before they gave it to the Catholics and i had to move to Grays Farm which i didnt like. My mother lived at 34 until she went into a home about5 years ago and i continued to visit her at Chalkpit avenue until then. I too had a paper round with Mr. Nicholson who by remote chance moved to the town in which i now live [South Molton] in Devon. There are so many memories about my childhood in St. Pauls Cray that it would take a book to write them all down !! We spent most of our time up in the woods building camps and using our catapults !! The sandbank at the top of the hill was another favourite spot and the bank farther up had lots of lovely round pebbles for our catapults . We spent some time trying to prevent the houses being built at the top of Chalkpit but to no avail. oh wee....i am still working at age 71 and cant really see an end to it !!! We also spent a lot of time in the Rec and playing by the river and its a wodder we were not all drowned the capers we got up to. Cant do that sort of thing now !! Les Breame

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