Tattenham Corner, The Parade c.1955
Photo ref: T294001
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A Selection of Memories from Tattenham Corner

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Tattenham Corner

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I remember well receiving the Silver Jubilee coin (still have it!) when my sister and I had just started at Merland Rise Primary School. The headteacher became Mrs. Pepper but I can't recall the name of the lovely lady who was headteacher before her. We used to always go to Tattenham Corner Station to wave at the Queen on Derby Day with the school, but like other memories posted here, we never saw ...see more
I lived with my parents and sister in Merland Rise between 1950 and 1959. We were just a few doors away from the school that my sister and I attended. I remember privet hedges and green garden gates, there was an air of 'respectability' about the whole place. Before I started school I went shopping with my mum on most days. Hookhams was usually the first stop for the groceries and we would work our way along. ...see more
I was born in The Spinney in 1961 and lived there until I let there at 19. I remember it all with rose tinted spectacles, the community, the shops: Waldens the butchers, Doreens the newsagents, or Hodges across the road, the hardware store, the small library, the Co-op and the Wavy Line Stores, the race meetings and especially Derby Day. I went to Merland Rise school and remember the two headmistresses, Mrs ...see more
I was born at number 42 Tattenham Grove in 1939 and lived there with my mother and grandparents until 1944 when my dad came home from the war. My grandfather worked on the railways, and used to come off shift at the station, one of my favourite places. The weighing machine and the machine where you could print your name on a piece of metal, and later the machine that sold chocolate after ...see more