Aldershot, The Bathing Pool c.1955
Photo ref: A31031
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Memories of Aldershot, the Bathing Pool c1955

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. These memories are of Aldershot, The Bathing Pool c.1955

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My dad was a life guard here, l'm guessing a few years before l was born. Many happy memories of being here with my cousin, though bikini top shifting whilst getting out of the pool wasn't good in my teenage years.
Learned to swim here but never went down the slide (too scared of heights), but would swim until I was wrinked.
I used to swim here every summer, one of my best memories of relaxed swimming, the 'Slippery dip' slide and sun bathing. I remember there was a canteen where we used to buy icecreams and wandering around the grassey grounds - This made the 70s summer for me!
From Chrismas Avenue to the bathing pool, come rain or come shine, every day of the summer was bathing pool fun time for us lads. With our towels rolled up and tucked under our arms and our costumes on to save time, a bag of sandwiches and your entrance money if you were lucky... otherwise it was over the fence. On arrival it was through the turnstile and with a quick glance at the water degree board ...see more