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We invite you to share with our ever-growing community of memory contributers your own thoughts and memories of a special place that means something to you. Here are a couple that stood out to us to help inspire you! Alternatively, you can browse what has already been added.

As a boy of thirteen, with my family, after the war, I spent all my school holidays in Cornwall. Six weeks with my Uncle Arthur and Aunt Mabel in a tied cottage on Lower Tregantle Farm near Torpoint. The very air was different; how many times since those days has a certain fresh breeze and smell conjured up the Torpoint Ferry and once again I am leaning out over the side watching the bow wave and ...see more
I was born in Farnborough Hospital during February of 1940. My home for the next 7 years was at 9 Kennelworth Road, and then we moved to 263 Crescent Drive, where I spent the next thirteen years. My recollections of the war are very sketchy, but I will try to give some insight on how people, and more specifically kids, were affected both during and after the war. During the war we ...see more