Beckington, Frome Road c.1950
Photo ref: B402003
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A Selection of Memories from Beckington

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Beckington

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You mention two boys from long ago who were my friends. I wonder if they are still alive. Ridley became head boy at Ravenscroft, if my memory serves me right, and I believe Hoddinott lived on a farm half way between Beckington and Trowbridge. My best friend was Ian Anderson, who lived near us in Trowbridge, and who even at that very young age was fascinated by ...see more
This scene shows the road I lived in for 25 yrs from birth in 1947 at The Old George ,the lady in photo stands outside my Uncles builders yard “ A R Fear” Good times
I attended this school from 1951 -1958 and Mr Henry Francis Bailey ( with his wife Mary ) was always the head. At least till the time I left in 1958. They had one son Christopher who I believe wanted to become a teacher too. I could write a lot on the school because I knew it so well. What does not show in the pictures is the large coach house barn close by at the top of the drive way. This had ...see more
Not a memory just interested as you can see my name is Beckington !!!