Cheadle Hulme, The Village c.1965
Photo ref: C285072
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A Selection of Memories from Cheadle Hulme

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Cheadle Hulme

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The Chocolate Box..... Anyone here remember my Grandad"s shop on Church Road. Cheadle Hulme. The Chocolate Box. Tobacconist and sweet shop. Grandad made all the ice lollues he sold. And on occasion , childten would come into the shop with a wobbly tooth wish he would pull out for them!!!! Wouldnt be allowed these days. He was a lovely man. He passed away in 1994. I still miiss him. Will post a couple of photos of him outside the shop tomorrow.
I don't recall to much of Cheadle Hulme. By the way my name is Brian Cheadle, and I was born in Swinton back in 1952. I remember Station Road. I was 10 years old when we came to Australia. We lived at 48 Warwick Street. Pendlebury? Anyway it's time for zzzs goodnight all and hope to read some of your memories soon.
We moved to Cheadle Hulme from Barnton in 1957 when my dad bought Miss Young's bakery at 38 Station Road. In those days it was a lovely quiet village, not at all the bustling suburb of today. Our bakery was at the far end of the block in the picture, on the corner of Belfield Ave. The other side of Belfield to the shop was a church (I'm not sure what denomination it was) which was burnt down ...see more
My father, Thomas Armstrong, had a greengrocer's business that he used to deliver by horse & cart. He lived for a long time on Wyngate Road, Cheadle Hulme. I remember when we had the greengrocer's in Hulme, Manchester that he would take us up there on the bus & my sister, Lynne, & I would sit outside the pub, on the grass, with our drinks whilst my Dad played snooker inside. Does anyone remember my Dad & have any further information about him?