Clovelly, Steepways c.1930
Photo ref: C124510
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A Selection of Memories from Clovelly

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Clovelly

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This photo shows my uncle Arthur ( Shackson ) with Kiwi the New Inn donkey having his taste of beer. The other person is Alfie Lamey the barman at the New Inn for many years and the son of the Coxwain of Clovelly Lifeboat.
My name is Sam Burrow I was born in Hartland in 1936 - the family moved to Clovelly in 1939 and lived in Home Lodge. My father, J A Burrow, was the estate foreman. My mother, Florrie, was the school cook throughout the war years preparing meals for not only village children but also the many who had been evacuated from London and Plymouth. After the war she managed the tea rooms at the car park ...see more
This is my Uncle and Aunt and cousin Arthur, outside their cottage no. 32 North Hill in Clovelly village. They lived there for many years and took in many many people for B&B, people from all over the world came back time after time to stay with them. I remember at Christmas time they would recieve hundreds of greetings cards, and not having the room to display them ...see more
This is Arthur Shackson with the donkeys from the New Inn Hotel (Kiwi and Peggy). Arthur was the Porter for many years for the New Inn, meeting the guest at the top of the cobbled street and transporting their luggage to the hotel half way down the village. The donkeys were used to carry the luggage to the top in the morning, plus other items which needed to be taken to the top, ie all returns from the bar.