Nostalgic memories of Colden Common's local history

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Displaying all 8 Memories

My mother's aunt, my great-aunt Annie was the house keeper at Brambridge during the 1920s. My great-uncle Ernest, great-aunt Annie's brother, was the chauffeur and responsible for the running and maintenance of the family's cars, and for looking after the generators. At that time Mr & Mrs Hezeltine, their daughter Eileen and sons Michael & John lived at Brambridge. There was also ...see more
My great-aunts, Selena (who died when I was very young) and Daisy Young (nee Francis, and died 1962?), lived in Lower Moors Road. I forget the name of the house, but my brother and I used to play in the orchard behind the house. I will always remember the two monkey puzzle trees in the front garden. The house was lit by gas, with an outside toilet, and only one tap inside. Bert ...see more
It must have been 1961 and I was in the infants across the road from the main school - and next door to the hall where the whole school enjoyed school lunches and where the nativity play was performed. We learnt by using aluminium measuring jugs in a huge (seemingly) butler's sink and by sharing a Cuisinaire. Does anyone else remember these times? Mr Wilkie was the revered Head and we saw one of the ...see more
My memories of Colden Common were written some time ago. Unforunately they could not easily be condensed into the 1,000 word limit here, so if linking is allowed they may be found here:\%20Common.htm
I have never heard of this person, although he makes reference to some people, and places in Colden Common I knew. So if anyone who knows him ever comes across this then I have been some help! COLDEN COMMON? Oh, yes - I remember it well! As we get older I guess we must all suffer from nostalgic mental trips - I know I do. At least twice a year I find myself staring at your map of Colden Common ...see more
Although I have often E Mailed, and written to the committee of the Football Club I have not had a reply. Therefore I assume they are uninterested in my attempts. My last memory of Colden Common is going through the village on the way to visit my mother (who lived at Shirrell Heath at the time). I stopped and had lunch at the Fisher's Pond restuarant, and then passed through the village on the way back. The Village ...see more
My memory of Colden Common School, is mainly around the teachers. Mr Wilkie the Head, and Mrs Gundrie (Spelling).  Also in my day the toilets were outside (and still standing when I last went by).  There was no playing field for the school, we had to go to Colden Common 'Rec on Sports Day. The 'houses' were split on colour lines, as far as I remember Red, Yellow Green, and Blue. I seem to remember I was ...see more
I remember the year of 1968 well, as it is when I left the village of Colden Common; although my Grandfather and Grandmother still lived there (on Main Road) up until their deaths. Colden Common in my time had no Scout Troop, so I had to go to Twyford to attend Scouts. Often the other boys in 'Common' would laugh at us, as we had still to wear short trousers. My other memory of 'Common' is when the Parish Hall ...see more