Nostalgic memories of Collyhurst's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 101 - 108 of 108 in total

I lived at 6 Central Drive from the age of about 3 to the age of 14. I went to The Albert Memorial School on Queens Road and left there in '61 We had moved to Langley, Middleton in 1960. My name then was LINDA WHALEN, I had 3 brothers Terry, Albert (Edhouse) and John (Whalen) and 2 sisters Winnie and Ann (Whalen) I was youngest. I remember quite a few names from Central Drive. Carl Dolan, Pat Hall(who I ...see more
This site has no photos of Collyhurst, but if you go on Facebook and search 'Collyhurst forever' there are lots...
My name is Len Royle, I lived at 27 Ryder Street from 1950-59. I went to St James primary school from 1953-1959. In Ryder Street were other members of my family, at the bottom were the Shortmans, Uncle George & Auntie Ethel, cousins Pauline & young George. Further up the street was my uncle Tom and Auntie Alma & family, then a couple of doors away my grandparents. My parents were Len and Margaret ...see more
I was born in Weber Street (now Collyhurst Road) and went to St Malachy's from 1950 to 1957. I have really fond memories of my childhood, with picnics in Queen's Park (water and jam butties) to walking on Whit Friday and later dancing at Finnigans. In my teenyears we drank in the Osborne House, Billy Greens and then the Palladium Club on Collyhurst Street...happy, happy days.
So sorry, I do not have any photos of Collyhurst, I went to school there but actually lived in Miles Platting, The Ram on Oldhan Road. My school memories of Collyhurst are of St. James Primary School, the most special of which was of its wonderful library, a treasure trove of sometimes quite rare books, also of a teacher I admired and respected, Mr. Cathcart. I also remember skipping in the school ...see more
I was born Heather Pickering in 1952 and lived from there on in Collyhurst Flats. I also remember playing on Barnies tip and getting into trouble from my mother for doing so. I went to St James primary school and left there and went on to Harpurhey High. My mother also went to Osborne Street wash house, but she used to go on a Wednesday and on this day during the winter we would have home made ham and pea ...see more
We used to play on Barney's hills, also known locally as Ashes. I also remember the May Queen and Molly Dancers, the herbalist shop on Rochdale Road, and happy days playing in the muck and near the River Irk! I would have been 8 or 9 then. We lived on Eliza Anne Street behind the chip shop opposite (more or less) to May's Pawn Shop. We used to to to Osborne Street baths where Mum went to the washhouse. Washday was always Monday and we always had stew for tea on this day.
I was born in Tebbutt Street in 1951. I went to St. Pat's School. Fond memories of Osborn St. baths, Hunts chippy and the toffee apple shop on Rochdale Rd. Played on Barney's tip as a kid and who can forget the wonderful smell that used to waft across Collyhurst from the bone works off Roger St. Used to deliver newspapers in the Collyhurst Rd. area. Most people didn't have much but crime was very low and people got on. Happy days, things have changed but for the better? B Tarpey