Early Years

A Memory of Corby.

I was born at 23 Fotheringay Road in March 1959, across from the Spar Shops, where at one time my uncle Bert ran an Askit van. On my way to Woodnewton School, he always gave me a Kitkat. He stayed on Argyle Street, behind the town centre. My father worked in Stewart and Lloyds, along with his brother Joe Kerr. My mum was a nurse at the Agnostic Centre and was once in the local press. My neighbours were the Maxemmews, who were polish. I remember Stefka and Peter, they were our friends. I recall once being knocked down by my dinner lady, a Mrs Dixon. I remember the Kingfisher Pub, I was obviouly too young to drink, but there was a big sign with a kingfisher on it. My brothers friend was Kevin Barrat, he lived, I think, at number 17. Further along, was a gent who drove buses for Bartons. At school, my teacher was a Miss Gunn, the year would be 1964. I recall a toy shop in Corby town centre, which had a dog with a mechanical mouth which would open and shut frequently. I left my finger in once, and got bitten. I had relations in Kingsthorpe called the Craigs. We went once in the summer to the River Weldon and my cousins fell into the river. Across from Woodnewton School was a petrol station, my cousin worked there. Corby had a large scottish contingent - I recall a family called the Frisbys, whose father was the manager of the Spar shop across from where I lived. If anybody remembers me, a reply would be nice. A chippy van used to come up Fotheringay every Friday (it had an endeering smell), also the ice cream van, which for the life of me, I can't remember the name. My dad, eventually got homesick and moved to Coatbridge in 1968.

Added 08 May 2012


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I am Thomson's cousin, Kenneth J. Kerr, now living in Canada.

The Uncle Bert referred to in the post was my dad. He ran and operated bakers vans for two local companies in the 60's. The first one was for Bill Allan in the early 60's, and the second (later 60's) was for Derek Gower. I wonder who recalls those two bakeries? I have pictures of the two bakery vans and will try to figure out how to post them.

Thomson also mentions the Spar shop. It was operated by family friend Bill Frisby, and for a while my mum Jeannie Kerr worked at that shop too. I have many memories of Corby, and look forward to sharing more.

Regards from Canada,
Kenneth J. Kerr
kenneth e mail me thomsonkerr@yahoo.co.uk

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