Growing Up In Crystal Palace

A Memory of Crystal Palace.

I was born in Stone Park Hospital Beckenham in 1958 and brought home to No 36 Palace Road. I went to Anerley Infants and Junior School.
My memories of the surrounding area of Crystal Palace are of the pub on the corner of Palace Road, The Paxton Arms Hotel. The old Victorian railway station that I used to take a short cut through to Crystal Palace park. I also have vivid memories of the motor car racing on Sundays, it was deafening.
We lived in a Victorian house that was spilt with us having the downstairs, bedrooms on the next floor and some else living on the top floor.I had a wonderful time growing up in Crystal Palace.
I also remember walking down Hamlet Road and past the Links to the church where my brother and little sister had to go on Sundays.
At the top of Palace Road there was a Square and when I was very young there was a bomb site where we used to play, (Health and Safety would have had a field day) lol.
The pub on the corner of Palace Road, The Paxon Arms Hotel always had an old dog outside sleeping on the pavement, an English Bulldog.
At the end of Palace Road there were a few shops, I remember the sweet shop where I used to buy 4 fruit salads for a half penny, my brother like the black jacks.
If you walked down Crystal Palace Road there were more shops and my Dad used to have his hair singhed every Saturday at Eric's the barbers, the newsagents was next door on one side and a very old chemist on the other with Clouds the grocers on the corner of Waldergrave Road, I think I was Christened in the church up there. On the corner of Hamlet Road was a hardware shop where my Mum worked.
I also the remember at the top of Crystal Palace Road going towards Gypsy Hill there was a cinema and opposite was a shop that had a train in the window and if you put a penny in the window slot the train went round and round.

Added 17 March 2008


Comments & Feedback

Surely there were two cinemas along that Rd before St Aubyns Rd?

That train set was surrounded by two shop windows against which I leaned frequently.

The coin slot was actually installed inside the wooden glazing bar on the corner of the shop doorway.

On weekdays and Saturdays a penny operated it but on SUNDAY only it responded to a penny thin washer.. This tripped the switch but dangerous during the week because the shopworkers raced out after miscreants mis-using their electricity supply.


Bob ex Anerley
Surely there were two cinemas along that Rd before St Aubyns Rd?

That train set was surrounded by two shop windows against which I leaned frequently.

The coin slot was actually installed inside the wooden glazing bar on the corner of the shop doorway.

On weekdays and Saturdays a penny operated it but on SUNDAY only it responded to a penny thin washer.. This tripped the switch but dangerous during the week because the shopworkers raced out after miscreants mis-using their electricity supply.


Bob ex Anerley
I moved into 61 Palace Road in 1956 at the age of 11 and went to Oakfield Road School down in Penge and had to walk down Anerley Road every day and back home again. When I was 13 I started a paper round at a shop called Lester's opposite the Thicket Arms pub. I had 2 rounds to do with a 06.00 start, the first round was in the Police flats just past Lester's on Anerley Road. The next round would do most of the roads off Anerley Road, starting from Hamlet Road right up to Cintra Park, all done for 10 shilling (50p) a week. While doing this paper round I met a girl (Joan Stacey) who lived in Palace Sq and in 1966 we were married and we celebrated our Golden Wedding Aniversary last year. Every Saturday afternoon we would go to the Granada Cinema in Church Road Upper Norwood.

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