Dockenfield Manor Farnham Surrey

A Memory of Dockenfield.

I was a student at Dockenfield Manor in the 1940's. Looking back, the entire faculty should have been arrested for child abuse, fraud, and a host of other charges. At the time, the Headmasters name was Dr. Hastings, other teachers included Dr. Franks, (whose every second sentence was "Oh God, please help me"), Mr. Nehoff a Dutchman that may have been a Nazi in disguise, a Miss Saunders (Dr. Hastings squeeze) and the best of them that had more integrity than all of the rest, a Miss Weir-Rose, whom I was in love with at the age of six! Punishment was handed out by sadistic teachers and prefects, that included from three to six cuts on the hands, being held down naked on a bed and being whipped with a stick, pulled hair, kicks on the behind, etc, etc. The food mainly consisted of banana sandwiches, margarine and jam, fried 'stuff' and tapiocca pudding. When the holidays came, old Bailey's Yellow and Black Bus would arrive and take the students to the Farnham Railway Station, leaving me behind in an empty school for six weeks or more, and being fed by a lady from Gochens farm that was a little distance from the school. Although looking back at my years at Dockenfield Manor (School), I feel that I was left with no psychological damage, but I have retained some awful memories of that dump, such as being locked up in an old barn for hours on end on stormy nights and fearing that the barn rats would bite me, and of course the daily abuse that was meted out regularly. I have to add, that the barn taught me how to overcome fear, and the beatings taught me how to be brave and not cry. I oft time thought that I should write to my parents and tell them how bad conditions were at the school, but knowing my great late father, he would most likely have said that I possibly deserved it. I only ever received one letter from my father while I was at that school, which stated in one line, "Whenever you write to me, never mention money or the weather". My closest friend at school was a certain Michael Helm, who is an architect living in Tortola BVI, and another close friend was Jeremy de Sirham, whose stage name became Jeremy Spencer of "The Prince and the Show Girl" fame, staring Marilyn Monroe and Richard Burton. At the age of 77, I do not recall any of the other students names, but I would certainly enjoy hearing from anyone else that may have been at Dockenfield Manor during the years 1940-1950.

Added 06 April 2012


Comments & Feedback

I attended Dockenfield manor in 1946/7 and concur with Francis restrained description of both the teachers staff and quality of food offerings I also appreciated the presence of Miss Weir Rose albeit she was not so young i.e. 35 ish. A second teacher from the village tought part time. A miss Young whose punishments comprised a hair brush on open knuckles and a teaspoon of mustered on an outstreched tounge. we liked her for all that.
I with others was ill with Mumps. I was alone in one the sanitarium rooms a bare room with one bed and no other furniture or a carpet.
I refused to finish my lunch ie cold tastless gravy and overcookedmushy vegitables. No more food until I ate it up was the order.
The plate was left under the bed .At night in the dark I was awoken by noises under the bed. I was scared. In day light Miss Saunders enterd and smiled. Now you can have breakfast---Stale Bread and plumb Jam. The rats or mice felt sorry for me.
I with others decided to run away. It was all carefully planned. After Sunday lunch we gathered in the top field but only one chum joined me. I intended to walk to Winchester[32 miles] and he would go on to Romsey {10 miles further on]
At about 7pm it was dusk and we were hungry We were at Four Marks still 16 miles from Winchester. So we called at a bungalow and wexplained that an Uncle had taken us for a ride on his way to London . He dropped us at Alton but forgot to give us the bus fare back. The elderly couple were very nice and gave us a drink and cake before seeing us on to a No.14 Aldershot and District bus to Winchester.
We arrived home at about 10pm. My parents were not amused. To bed and next day my father drove us back to Dockenfield but stopped on the way at Four Marks to thank the couple and return the bus Fare.
I was summoned to Dr. Hastings study as I was the alleged ring leader. I was eight years old at the time and whilst intimidated I spoke my Feelings I was not punished and left at the end of term.
Years later I established that my father who was a Chartered Accountant was owed unpaid fees by Dr. Hastings who I understand was declared Bankrupt
Life after Dockenfield was much happier for me. But I still think of those days and on occasions have tried to unsuccesfully to find the location. Roger Gledhill
The actual faux Elizabethan house when you and I were there, it was called Dockenfield Manor Preparatory School. Many years ago, I drove down to see the former school, it was quite a shock to see it all boarded up, and turned into a Chicken Broiler House. A few years later, I was led to believe that it was torn down. Maurice de Montfalcon.
Hi Maurice
Please would you send me a photo of DMS when you visited it a while back. I'd very much like to add it to my Skippers website which includes a biography of Faro among others. See:
If you or anyone would prefer to e-mail me, my address is:
Peter K Smith
Brian, please contact me about MAJOR PAROAH. I would like you to share anything else you can remember about this teacher. What subjects did he teach? What did you learn from the use of his slipper? What was he like? What was his status in the school. My email is:
Roger, do you happen to remember how old Dr Hastings was when you were at school? Was he a GP before becoming a headmaster? What subjects did he teach? Was he married? If so, to whom? Any idea where he came from originally? Any detail most welcome. You can email me at or send me a message on this site

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