St Marks School Dukinfield

A Memory of Dukinfield.

I went to this school from 1964 - 1970. It has now been demolished. The head teacher was Mrs Finneran and some of the teachers were Miss Baba, Mr Sloane, Mr Cook, Mrs Bintcliff and Miss Hooley. On the corner of the school was a sweet shop called 'Blue Taylors' because the owners were called Taylor and the shop was painted blue. We used to go to St Mark's Church for services at Christmas. I used to go home for my dinner as I lived very near. There were 2 playgrounds, one for the infants and one for the juniors. When I was in the infants, we didn't have paper to write on, but had a small blackboard and tin which contained your eraser and chalk. We kept them on the back of our chairs in a little bag which you had to take home at the end of term to get washed.
I remember being in the choir and we stood on a small stage in front of the school for assembly. All the hymms we sang were written on large sheets hung on the wall so we could see them to sing. There was a recorder band and I played a tenor recorder whilst my friend Gillian Battye played a treble. We used to play in the playground but the boys would kick footballs at us, especially when it was wet or cold.
We used to play rounders in the large playground and one kid, Stephen Sellers, used to hit the ball outside of the playground, and such hits were called 'sloggers'. At harvest time, we used to have to take in fruit plated on a small paper plate and covered in clear wrappings. One girl, Maxine Palmer, lived at a greengrocers so she would bring in a boxful. We used to then take the fruit around the parish to the old. Whitsun was fun as we had Whit Walks with the church and you wore your best clothes.
Summer holidays were great as the weather was always nice and warm, melting the tar in the roads. Everyone went away to either Blackpool or the Isle of Man in the last 2 weeks in August, known as Ashton Wakes Weeks. All the factories and mills closed down for 2 weeks so there were no shops open.

Added 29 April 2009


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I went to Crescent Rd(boys) school 1963 to 65 although I didn't live in Dukinfield at the time. Years later, My brother Bob Smith opened Smiths Upholstery Service on the corner of West st and King St, then around 1984 I bought a house in West St The house was called " West Villa," on the opposite corner to St Marks church, it was a lovely Victorian detached, but very run down, We loved our time in Dukinfield But sold it in 97 and moved to Kerry Ireland. Tony Smith.
Wow this brought back some wonderful memories. I to was in the recorder group and choir. I attended from 68 to 73. I remember assembly and the big hymn pad/book you mentioned. And I loved harvest. The smell of fresh fruit and flowers. I was always an angel in the nativity at Christmas. With a silver halo made of tinsel. I was in a pantomime. Alibaba and his 40 thieves. I remember dropping my bag of gold. 🙄 which was a bag with foil bottle tops in. There was a huge frog in the yard. Well it appeared huge back then.. it was the bin. I remember the rope climbing thing they hung on the wall I think was for p.e and the tiny infant toilets too. They were so small. The pig bin to where leftovers went in then was given to feed pigs if my memory is correct. Playing in the snow in the yard when we had snow. back then it was proper snow n still went to school. I can also remember our class planting flower seed in the church garden. And the Christmas service in the church where I sang in the choir. My auntie was the lollipop lady on astley Street. We felt really proud about that. I have a faint memory of something happening in the boiler room? The caretaker was injured. I think something blew up. Not drastic as if I remember right no damage to the building was done but we had no heating. We had to wear our coats. I don't think he was hurt bad more shook up. But hey I was only around 6 so memories a bit foggy on that. What was the small building on the front? Does anyone know? Looked like a little house. I always thought it was where cartakers used to live. When I left Saint Marks I moved up to lakes Road.

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