Been Abused

A Memory of Etton Pasture School.

Etton pasture school was not a very nice place and now to this day it has affected some of us who was sexually abused

Added 29 January 2020


Comments & Feedback

hi i was at Etton pastures school in Beverley from 86 to 89 and yes i was also sexually abused their i still have flash backs and sometimes i do selfharm i did not enjoy the school or being a boarder hope you are ok
Hi there just joined this site. I was etton pasture same time as you. But I was there until 87. I've been trying to track down an old friend Richard Ward. I had a different name then. I went by the name Kenny Stephenson.

So sorry to hear you had to go through that. I was given a chain across my bair legs, because I started a food fight. Do you remember Mrs Payett the head teacher? I went by the name Kenny Stephenson back then. Hope life is betgef for you now?

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