Davies Family

A Memory of Gilfach Goch.

Actually the 1940s and 50s. My mother was Sarah Davies, daughter of Charles and Emma Davies who lived at 60 High Street for many years. I used to spend my holidays with my grnadparents and aunt who lived across from them, someone might rememeber her, Lil Griffith - she worked in the Co-op shop at the bottom of the High Street. My grandparents' house was near the ice cream shop. I think it was called Baccetta's - anyway they were an Italian family and made the best icecream.
I have fond memories of playing on the side of the mountain and also up the "Rue" where there was a stream. My grandfather spent many gours at the Hall - I cannot remember the name of it but he played a great game of dominoes.
Anyon who remembers my mum and family I would be happy to hear from.


Added 11 July 2010


Comments & Feedback

HI Diana,

Can you remember the names of your Grandfather's parents or siblings ?



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