My Life In Greenford 1946 1967

A Memory of Greenford.

Lived there a good twenty years attended Bentham / costons / Stanhope schools loved the shopping area and youth clubs fantastic time to grow up. I would love to hear from others who did similar.

Added 04 March 2016


Comments & Feedback

Was at Stanhope from 1961 to 1964 from 1c to 4c classes
Hi, I'm looking for Kathleen Wilson, born to a woman called Marjorie around 1969 and they lived in Greenford, Middlesex. Kathleen is my husband's sister but we only found about Kathleen last week and we're very keen to trace her. She shares the same father as my husband and he was called George Wilson. Could it be possible that you went to school with Marjorie? Kindest regards, Mary Wilson

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