Red Lion Demolished

A Memory of Greenford.

We moved to Greenford from Wales when I was 9 in 1956. After moving away in the early 70's I am now back living in Greenford for the past 20 years. Saddest thing of all for me is that the Red Lion was demolished last year. They are now in the processs of building new homes - Greenford will never be the same again.

Added 14 May 2013


Comments & Feedback

Andy, there was a Southgate at my school, Stanhope Secondary, circa 1947/51 I can't think of his first name at the moment. Are you related? I met up with him briefly in the early seventies in a pub in Hanwell.
i remembered my grandfather having a drink in the red lion, he lived just a few doors down, 143 greenford road (i think) he worked as a night watchman at Taylor Woodrows at nights and was a chimney sweep during the days, my father and his sisters went to costons school in the 1930's i think it was late 1950's when my g/father passed away but had memories of their house
Hi Paul, no relation as far as I know. I went to the Visitation Junior school in Greenford. I was very friendly with a boy named Dennis Harrison, any relation? this would have been 1956/57.
When I was a boy in WW2 the coffee bar on the corner at the top of the Broadway was called Reggies Bar and my particular memory is of the whirring sound made by the mixing machine that prepared the Horlicks drinks.

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