The River Brent From Redford Crescent To St Marys Church Hanwell

A Memory of Greenford.

Used to go and play in the streams and the River Brent, the memories are so vivid. Tis, was, of course during the war. I and a friend, took my three and a half year years younger sister with us, I would have been six years and a bit. We paddled and played ,and crossed the stepping stones and my friend Mary piggybacked my sister, and Trix (my sister) fell in and was soaked. We took her home and my Mum went potty. I was sent to the chemists for disinfectant to bath my sister as there was something going round, a bad germ of some sort, that my Mum was scared my sister would contract. She was alright, but I wouldnt take her down there again.
Across the stepping stones was a field that had a couple of horses in it. There was also a little shed and a wooden bar to tie a horse. I was convinced that this was the 'wild west' of the cowboy films that I had seen, and I loved it. It wasn't until many years later, that I realised that over this field were houses, and Greenford Avenue on the way to Cuckoo Hill and Hanwell.
We moved in March 1948, I was nearly eleven. I stayed at my school in Greenford and kept my friends, before I went to Costons Girls School. I didnt pass my eleven plus. There was a smashing clothes shop there in Greenford, call Sidneys. I used to put something away (a garment) and pay weekly, I think 5/- a week, and have it when I had paid the full price. That's how I bought my clothes, and by that time I was workingat J.Lyons and Co Ltd - I joined when I was just 15. Four days after, as a messenger, I became a Bonus Clerk for the groceries, for things like Ready Brek etc..these memories start from 1944 and onwards.
I haven't been back to Greenford since about 10 years ago, and it seemed the same same layout , but different shops and no cinema. The Granada was taken by Tesco, the Playhouse or Bug Hutch went years ago and The indoor market is no longer. But oh, how I still love the place...
There was a civic resturant where the Catholic School is now. I live in Stevenage now (since 1967) but my heart is Greenford - Stanhope School, the Rec down the Greenford Road. I thought that it was call wreck because all the iron was taken for the war effort, but of course it was recreation, shortened to rec.
When we moved to Shadwell Drive Northolt, the Olympics came and the housing of the contestants were at the Greenford Country Grammar School, on the Ruislip Road. Nothing like todays 'millions' being spent. How sad that money rules ok..ok..ok!

Added 25 April 2012


Comments & Feedback

I remember the stepping stones across the Brent. Also the remains of the ice house by the side of St Marys, a sort of brick dome in the soil. We thought it was Dick Turpins secret tunnel.
Walking to Greenford was pretty good, and a big adventure at s young age would not be alloed to do it now. I remember Lyons individual fruit pies my they were good. Always had one in my bike sadle bag

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