Sedgefield Crescent

A Memory of Harold Hill.

I lived at 15 Sedgefield Crescent leaving in 1960 to moved to Slough; dad was at Fords and he moved to Langley, Bucks. Dad was Gerry and mum was Lillian. My sister, Wendy, was born in 1953. I went to Dycourts and then to Harrowfield Boys. Only teacher I remember is the PE teacher Mr Graham, who would hand out punishment with a black slipper. If memory serves me right we 1st years shared the playground with the girls from Harrowfield Girls. Names from the Crescent I remember are Mick Robinson, Peter Dack and I think, John Burt. Have been in touch with Bob Nobes on Friends Reunited some time ago. Another name is Lenny Lovelock, lived behind shops, name escapes me. First girlfriend was Mary Moore who had a brother Mick. Our neighbours were a family called Ward(?) who had two girls, and the other side was a German family with a son Reinhard(?). I now lived on the Isle of Wight in Shanklin.

Added 27 January 2014


Comments & Feedback

I lived at 23 Sedgefield Crescent and remember when i was young going to wendy palmer's birthday party - i remember i wanted my mum and remember running home upset. Lesley Thomas (Cohen) I also have lots of happy memories of growing up on Harold Hill and hate it when people say bad things about it now - but maybe it has changed since then
I lived at 23 Sedgefield Crescent and remember when i was young going to wendy palmer's birthday party - i remember i wanted my mum and remember running home upset. Lesley Thomas (Cohen) I also have lots of happy memories of growing up on Harold Hill and hate it when people say bad things about it now - but maybe it has changed since then
I also remember Rob Nobes if he is the one i am thinking about - he lived in leamington road i think and his dad was a milkman. I think he went to university and when I worked in London at a stockbrokers I think - he worked there too and he had a sister either called Linda or Belinda not sure - but I also remember the dacks and they moved from Sedgefield to dagnam park square towards the dutch and little and also remember Dawnie Ward and her sister - where have all those years gone.
Hi Lesley, Wendy is my sister and now lives in Swanmoor, Hampshire. I got in touch with Bob Nobes a few years ago, he told me he worked in a stockbrokers, but have lost touch. At the time I lived in Windsor and we were going to try to meet up but never did. I remember my mum being friends with a woman called Ruthie, can't remember her children's names. Also a Marion Montgomery, again can't remember her children's names. I only have happy memories of Harold Hill and remember being very upset about leaving to go to Slough, and returned the next week to my cousin in Aveley and went back the next day!

Hiya John, I lived in Dagnam Park Drive near Sedgefield and remember one of the Ward sisters was called Dawn, it may bring back a memory for you, Ken Hatfield (Have a brother, Ray)
Hi Ken, yes one sister was named Dawn, can't remember the other.
My mate who runs the site "Friends of Dagnam Park", a really great site with loads of history etc. on the Manor and Harold Hill generally, really fancied Dawn! As I recall she was quite a good looker. Google the FoDP site, it's well worth a good look. Happy Christmas John. Ken
I was born at 8 Sedgefield Crescent, but we moved around 1961 to 43 Wickford Drive. Wendy Palmer was in my class through Dycorts Infants and Junior, and she was a friend of Maureen Beswick who lived in Dagnam Park Drive. My friend was Paul Blaber at the time we chatted with them - I somehow remember during my first year at Harrowfield Secondary (1966-71). I was very shy as a teen, so she may not remember me much. My eldest sister Christine Douglas went to Harold Hill Grammar, but the other sister was Kathleen Douglas and also went to Harrowfield until the mid-60s.
The description of Dycorts brings it all back - I remember us dancing The Twist on top of that curved concrete bike shed and getting severely reprimanded. Looking back, Mr Tanner looked to me like a vicar who couldn't understand a joke. He retired in the last year and an Acting Head, Mr Shepherd, took over temporarily, and arranged for the entire school to visit Windsor Castle. We were supposed to fill out answers to questions about the trip in a specially designed book, but no one did - we just ran riot, and some of the books ended up floating down the Thames!
I remember Kathy Douglas, her family lived around the corner to me in Wickford Drive. One of my pals was Raymond Blaber, brother of Paul, who used to live in the 'white houses' in Leamington Road.

John Palmer and Lesley Thomas, I am still about living in Wickford. John, do you still support the Arsenal?

Peter Dack used to have a blue Raleigh bike and he, John, myself and another guy whose name eludes me used to play football over the Manor. The other guy had a smart Claud Butler racing bike. Can remember the four of us going to Clacton one day and it rained.

Dutch & Little has gone, drove past the shops where it was on the corner recently. Harold Park shops look nothing when we used to buy 1d bangers fater getting back from Saturday morning pictures in Brentwood.
Hi Bob, the name you can't remember is Peter Nash. I remember that bike, Claude Butler, too! We are now living on the Isle of Wight, Shanklin, have been here for four years.
Hi John, good to hear from you again. Thanks for the prompt, I can see his face still and that he was a Spurs support - poor devil!

I seem to remember you were into a Brazilian dance, has the passage of time slowed you or are you still doing?
Hi Bob, what a memory, could not remember if Peter was a Spurs supporter - still below Arsenal after 20 odd years! We used to dance regularly on the mainland at various venues around Uxbridge, there are only two venues on the island and we have slipped out of the habit of going to Ceroc here. Can't think where all the years have gone, I'm 70 in November, will you be too this year?
Hi John, know the feeling about the years slipping by! I was 69 in February so you have a few months on me but my mind thinks l am still 25! The body thinks a bit different!
Uxbridge and IOW suggests a bit of travel away from Sedgefield Crescent. I have not been as adventurous having moved to Wickford in 1972 and after 5 house moves in Wickford (don't ask!) still here. Lots of change too - was a nice small town now just a dormitory for commuting to London. Drover through Harold Hill a few months ago just to see how it all looked but it does seem a bit shabby now. Dycorts and Priory Schools arestill there but Harrowfields has gone and Quarles is part of Havering College. Keep in touch.
I remember Christine and Kathleen Douglas really well. Stephen.was a bit younger if I recall. You lived opposite Rita and Christine Murphy near the big tree. And I can't remember the boy who lived at the corner house. We had happy memories growing up on the hill.and hate it when people run it down. I live in upminster now so not so far away. John Palmer Ruthie was Ruthie mills and she lived next door to us. I also remember the trip lets that lived in sedfefield with their brother and wonder where they are now as I used to.okay with them. One was. Badly burnt I remember that and hope she is doing ok now.
There was a Linda Ward,

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