Nostalgic memories of Heswall's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 61 - 70 of 92 in total

I was transferred from Myrtle Street to Heswall in 1953 as a TB contact, I was in a few wards. One faced the main entrance to the Hospital, another one had a partition across the middle separating the girls from the boys. The ward I remember most was one with a television, I watched the Queen's coronation and the Mathews cup final. The television was to the right of the door as you went into the ...see more
I stayed in the Florence Gibson Ward in 1965, I remember a teacher called Mr Wrapps who I think was Welsh and had a big mustache.A boy in the bed next to mine was Tommy Butterworth.There was an Ann Lyons in the girls ward who we all adored.There was a boy called Elgin who was in a wheel chair who I guess was a more permanent resident than most of the other boys.We had a great view over the river, I am ...see more
I was sent to the hospital from Liverpool Myrtle Street Hospital some time in the late 1940s or 1950 and I was in Holbrook Gaskel ward for about 3 months. I remember a Nurse Smith who was very kind to me. I used to watch out of the window for my parents coming to visit me on Sundays and we would walk in the grounds and look over at the River Dee, it was a lovely place and my father ...see more
I remember being a patient on this ward because of a fractured femur and being in traction for three months, it was the summer of 1978 and roasting. We were wheeled through great big doors at the side of the ward and into the grounds, just by the steam roller and the boat. I remember a few names, Brian Urmson, there was a girl from Speke who had had her both feet in plaster because of her toes, I think her name ...see more
I lived in Heswall from 1952 until 1966. In the spring of 1964, myself and number of my chums were asked to convert an old ship's lifeboat, which had been placed in the garden to the rear of the hospital, into a pirate ship. With the aid of lots of plywood sheets (donated?), I used my experience of ships and boats to guide our team to cover up all the sticky tar and create a safe and realistic ...see more
It's lovely to read all the fond memories of Heswall Hospital, I was a cadet there from Sept 1969 until May 1970 then returned in Sept 1970 for 3 more months. We took part in tjhe Christmas celebrations organised by Sister Bromley from Charles MacAllistair ward when we perfomed our version of 'Snow White' and of the 'CantCant'. I remember Pauline Hessian very well, we were friends for a long time. We still have our re-unions in Liverpool next one due in 2012. Love, Gina Shaw
Not sure of the year but I remember you Billy Ryan :)
Hi to all who stayed at the Margaret Bevan Home. I am not sure where I stayed but the comments that I have read seem to tell me that the Margaret Bevan Home sounds like the one I stayed at during the 1960s. I remember the sleeping in the Poppy Room. It had a small dormer window. It was January and the snow was thick outside. Ice floated on the river (the view from my window). I remember being equipped ...see more
I remember good times even though I hated it first day, we had loads to do, virtually every sport you can think of and the camping trips were amazing. The trips to watch the spooth film airplane had me in hysterics, also I had my birthday party there. I met some good people like Ron Symington and Eddie Mcdonald. Visiting the set of 'Corrie' (I still have the picture of us all outside ...see more
I came to Heswall Hospital in early 1970, I can remember an aeroplane and a Wendy House. One person I would love to find is a girl called Maria Toy as we became good friends. My stay there is with fondest memories, the staff were lovely.