Horley, Gatwick Airport c.1960
Photo ref: H114043
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A Selection of Memories from Horley

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Horley

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I attended the junior part of the school (Form 1) 1963-64 at the age of 5. My name was Felicity Hayton. My teacher was Miss Coulter who I think was Australian. My mother taught Biology In the senior school for that year, and my younger sister Jackie attended Kindergarten. Her teacher was Miss Smith; and Miss Smalley played the piano for our assembly, and “music and movement” classes. I feel I had a good ...see more
I went to Kingsley between 1956 and 1966 teachers I remember were ,Miss Edwards ,Miss Fowler , Miss Sparks , Miss Davies ,Miss Knight, MissStradling, Mrs Hayle, Miss Willett ,Miss Wise. Mrs Nicholson. I remember the house gardens (down the left hand side of the “ playground” where the climbing bars were)we all had to help in , that may have been a punishment for losing house points. I was in McKenzie I remember the ...see more
My parents returned to UK to put my brother and I into separate boarding schools. I went to Kingsley, Horley from 1960-63. My name was then Alison Kirby. I remember Miss Willetts as my form mistress and she taught Nature Study. I was in Mackenzie House (green shield). The dormitories were named after famous poets I think (can anyone correct me if I'm wrong please?) I do recall the fire escape hatches - ...see more
I went to Kingsley as a day schola in 1961. I enjoyed many happy years there. My head teacher was Miss Edwards and Miss Fowler was the debuty. Miss Davies was my year one teacher and miss willet was head of primary years. I had so many happy years there and I was so sad to leave. It would be nice to hear from anyone who also enjoyed Kingsley the way that I did. Julia Henderson