Kettering, Boating In Wicksteed Park c.1960
Photo ref: K13053X
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A Selection of Memories from Kettering

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Kettering

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I spent many a happy hour in this, then very new, building in the early 60's., ostensibly studying for GCE's. But much to my everlasting regret, failing to take anything seriously, and with scant regard for the future, despite the best efforts of "Mac" McKinley and his excellent teaching staff. How the years have flown since, and I often rue my lack of application, particularly when trying to answer questions on ...see more
During the mid-sixties I worked for Bell and Billows, the ironmongers in the left of the picture. A large part of their business was horticultural equipment, and many spring and summer evenings were spent demonstrating mowers and cultivators to prospective purchasers. Sales and repairs of sporting weapons were also undertaken, and I recall the famous local Author, Artist and Naturalist Denys Watkins-Pitchford, ...see more
In the early 60's I worked at the far end of Montagu St, in the Ironmongers of Tutty Ltd, when their business and premises were bought by the Kettering Industrial Co-operative Society. Eventually it closed and the remaining stock sold to Newmans Ironmongers, to the right of the car in the picture. For many years the showroom on the right was known as Cleavers.
Can anyone remember the name of the shop on the corner of market St which is now Barclays Bank. It was a haberdashery shop. I remember going in there with my nan and aunt in the 60's. Thanks.