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Tank tops and bell bottoms-memoirs of a Birkenhead lad
I was born in Birkenhead in 1954 at the back of Central Station, opposite the Haymarket, and still remember being hungry all the time. We were poor, as was everyone we knew. A Catholic family, no birth control, the more kids you had the more Catholics there were, the more donations the church receives. Rather cynical I know. And I remember Father ...see more
My parents often told me this story.
My Great Grandfather was John Roberts. His son, my father, Thomas Glyndwr Roberts and my mother Myra Roberts (Evans) as young children were playing on the swings in Blaen Park.
My father was pushing Myra on the swings and she asked him to stop as he was pushing her too high. He said I'll only stop if you say you'll marry me.
She finally agreed ...see more