Lamberhurst, Broadway And Bridge c.1955
Photo ref: L323055
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A Selection of Memories from Lamberhurst

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Lamberhurst

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Have only just read Mike Beeches memories( where have I been?) My Great Grandfather Stephen Russell lived in the village at Park Gate Cottages, although he was more likely to found in the Horse & Groom! He died in 1968. My mother was born there, and never knew her her father was - just a few days ago having taken an Ancestry DNA test, I now know - unfortunately she died in 2007 and will never know. My ...see more
My great grandfather owned the Victoria stores and my only memory is going to see his grave as a small child. Sadly I couldn't tell which church it was. His Name was George Shrewsbury Reeve.
This is not my memory but that of my sister in law's. Her paternal grandfather, Philip Alan Simpson, was the Head Brewer at Stair House for several years up to and including 1901.
I was 2 years old when my family moved to Stair House. My father was Ted Miller and was contracted by the government to collect scrap metal during the war years. We moved in 1948 but I have strong memories of the village. What sweets were available from Mrs Fuller-Waters shop, the first haircut at the barber's, going up the hill, the golf course with a small stream running at the back of Stair House, and ...see more