Lingfield, Miss Knox's Home 1906
Photo ref: 57094
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A Selection of Memories from Lingfield

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Lingfield

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I have many memorys of lingfield from walking home through jenners field in deep snow from school to falling in the pond !!!! Shame the school has gone now though .. would cut through the graveyard down the steps across the road up the twitten in to jenners then walk on to cold harbour and common road ...home !!!!happy days
I too remember The Cabin. It was run in my time by Mr and Mrs Steer. My brother Terry Hancock used to do a Sunday paper round for them. When he fancied a lay in he would ask me to do it for him. I used to ride a butchers bike with the papers in and get half a crown for riding all around Lingfield!!. Margaret Farrer.
my dad met my mum barracks of lingfield .where would have the barracks stationed
We used to walk past the pond everyday on our way to Lingfield Primary School. This was about 40 - 45 yrs ago now. One memory I will always have in when the pond was frozen over and my brother and his friends decided they would try their talents out at ice skating. We were all surrounded watching these boys and, I have to admit, to feeling really frightened when the ice broke and I watched with utter terror as ...see more