Phil Steele's First Walk In The Country.

A Memory of Llanrumney.

We moved to Llanrumney Avenue from Adamsdown in 1964. It was the summer and the weather was gorgeous. I remember being taken on a country walk, through blubell woods and onto the foot bridge that crossed the Rumney river at the end of Ball Lane. We made our way left along the river bank and came accros a big old grey building known as Morgans Tea Gardens, where the pop and crisps were an excellent surprise. No sign of any motorway just the sound of cows mooing in the surrounding fields. Although I was only four at the time that walk is still so vivid in my memory.

Added 16 May 2013


Comments & Feedback

I moved to llanrumney at a very young age and lived there until 1992 it was an amazing place to live back then. sedgemoor road was where I lived and it was a vibrant mostly happy place to live my niehbours were the morrises the waldens ,the bowdens the campsees just to name a few. in the summer we played mob ,kerb ball until it was dark we also made what we called boogies .basicly a scaffold plank with pram wheels attached, no brakes and we would take them to the top of countesbury hill behind our street and try to turn at great speed into our street at the bottom of the hill .more often than not we would crash .all the families knew eachother and mostly got on . and twice a year the dackrouse and spurier families would organise a coach trip to barry island . I used to get so exited about those trips , I would be at our gate with my bucket and spade looking up the street at 7 am, the coach wasn't due until 9 am, I didn't want to miss the coach at any cost

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